"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", as the old saying goes. While GenAI poses a unique challenge for traditional data governance processes, it can also be used as a tool to supercharge them. Explore how Data Governance and GenAI can work together in perfect harmony in our new blog post courtesy of Filip Dzięcioł and Wojciech Borkowski. #GenAI #LLM #XAI #DataGovernance #DataQuality
Business Consulting and Services
Exerizon helps current and future market leaders to tackle their greatest challenges and fuel their appetite for growth.
About us
You should expect more from consultants. Exerizon helps current and future market leaders to tackle their greatest challenges and fuel their appetite for growth. Our dedicated management and technology practices work closely with clients to define their new digital strategy, improve operational excellence, embrace cloud transformation and implement bespoke data & AI solutions. We know that exceptional people deliver exceptional results. To attract, develop, and keep outstanding talent, we allow consultants to earn a share in our firm from the very beginning, rather than confining it to top-level management. It redefines how consulting has operated for past 70 years and offers up new ways of building high performance teams fully dedicated to our clients' success.
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- Business Consulting and Services
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- 11-50 employees
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- Partnership
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✅ TL;DR: #PSD3 i #PSR przegłosowane, 𝟴 𝗺𝗮𝗷𝗮 𝗼 𝟭𝟭:𝟬𝟬 prezentacja wyników badania banków reprezentujących ponad 75% aktywów polskiego sektora. Kluczowy kamień milowy w dalszym rozwoju otwartej bankowości i sektora płatności: w dniu dzisiejszym Parlament Europejski przegłosował pakiet regulacji #PSD3 i #PSR. Dyrektywa PSD2 wzbudzała wiele skrajnych opinii przed wejściem w życie: od szumnych zapowiedzi końca tradycyjnej bankowości i dominacji FinTechów po niedowierzanie w jakiekolwiek praktyczne możliwości wykorzystania otwartej bankowości. Aby uniknąć ponownego zamieszania, Exerizon wspólnie z kancelarią prawną Taylor Wessing Poland przeprowadził badanie z ponad 10 bankami na temat sukcesów i porażek PSD2, spodziewanego wpływu PSD3 i ich planów na przyszłość. Jeżeli chcesz poznać kluczowe wyniki, zapraszamy na webinar 8 maja o 11:00 prowadzony przez Andrzej Lachowski, Daniel A. Majewski, Łukasz Szymański i Magdalena Jaczewska-Żurek, PhD. Do zobaczenia! https://lnkd.in/dBdDQJjn
Marie Kondo suggests thanking items before letting them go. Apply this to legacy apps: Acknowledge their historical significance — they served the organization well — but recognize that their time has passed. Thank them for their service, then embark on your modernization journey... Read our new blog post to find out how to approach application modernization to minimize risk, increase predictability and maintain team satisfaction: https://lnkd.in/d94Amr3r