How about a no charge color course by color expert, Kine Angelo? Color is critical to every project. #facadedesign #color #facades
Want to learn more about using color in architecture? Sign up for our free, on-demand video course by color expert Kine Angelo. Kine Angelo is Associate Professor at NTNU, Department of Architecture and Technology has worked with color for over 12 years. She has been involved in developing the new color map for Steni Colour and has recorded video lessons on color in architecture. Topics include: 🔸 Why is it important that we use more color in our architecture? 🔸 What do the colors of our surroundings do to us humans? 🔸 How can colors affect the mood and life situation of individuals? 🔸 What colors have we used in architecture throughout history? 🔸 What do you need to consider when creating a color chart? Learn more and register for free today! #architecture #continuingeducation #architectureanddesign #facadedesign #colorinarchitecture #howtousecolor #colortheory #facades #urbanarchitecture #urbandesign #buildingenvelopedesign #buildingenclosures #rainscreendesign