Two days ago, Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General wrote this letter, My Parting Prescription for America. That same day the Palisades Fire in LA County broke out.
Dr. Murthy emphasizes in his letter the struggles in our world today with regard to general health and wellbeing which can be traced back to a lack of community and the pursuit of success, as measured by wealth, fame and power vs. the pursuit of fulfillment, achieved through relationships, service and purpose. His letter represents the spirit of FITGMR in a way that resonates deeply with me and the vision, passion, mission of the founding team of our company.
6 years ago our house in Malibu burned down in the Woolsey Fire. Our neighborhood and community were devastated, and we lost many of our beloved possessions. We learned that our connection to past loved ones, memories, histories, traditions do not lie in tangible objects but in our hearts. A difficult lesson, we are learning again as we grapple with what will be left when the dust settles this time.
Facing the strength and power of Mother Nature and the impermanence of “things” forces us to examine what is most important in life. Reading Dr. Murthy’s wise words in the context of the most devastating fire in LA history has brought extreme clarity to my views. Relationships, service and purpose. Friends, family and FITGMR represent this triad in my life.
Our app is more than a “health and fitness” app. FITGMR is more than improving in-game performance. It was created with the purpose of changing lives, lives who can change the world. Our metrics address individual’s mind, body and spirit – but there is also a metric on relationships called Connections – teaching young people to focus on and evaluate their human interactions, examining the depth and impact of their relationships with others.
In my life, I spent years seeking success as measured by wealth, fame and power in investment banking. I left because it was not fulfilling. It made me feel disconnected and filled with stress, anxiety and loneliness. I found community and connection in yoga, meditation, teaching and service. Through FITGMR, I have sought to share what I have learned with others.
After reading Dr. Murthy’s prescription, we will be adding 2 new Metrics to our Lifestyle Pillar. In addition to Connections, we will incorporate Service and Purpose. A random act of kindness each day counts as Service. A simple reflection on whether or not our day’s actions align with our inner purpose counts for Purpose.
Esports builds and nurtures Community – that I know for sure. How we can we connect our community in ways which foster fulfillment? That will be an ongoing mission of FITGMR from here on out.
I urge you to take the 20 minutes to read Dr. Murthy’s letter in its entirety. It is the prescription for living a healthy, fulfilled life, which, at the end of the day, is what we all truly crave and what is at the core of FITGMR.