Fostered Futures

Fostered Futures

Community Services

Creating chances for happiness. #1000 chances

About us

Just 13% of care leavers enter higher education by 19. We can change this. Could you donate an opportunity? We just want a chance. A chance to nurture a passion, a chance to learn, a chance to make a friend, a chance to recover and grow. #1000Chances

Community Services
Company size
1 employee

Employees at Fostered Futures


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    Our founder Row certainly knows the value they can bring to the table.

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    Lead Business Architect | Speaker, Lecturer and Change Lead | Published Writer | Founder of Charity Fostered Futures | Care Experienced Campaigner | Inclusion and Change Expert 💡”Obsessed with building understanding."

    Care Day 2024! Diversity, problem solving and empathy are just some of the skills my care experience allowed me to bring to the workplace. I started working for Lloyds Banking Group when I was only 17 and I wanted to share some of the skills I bought to the table. If you are a business looking to diversify your thinking, perhaps you are starting to look at #socialmobility or maybe you want to make a positive impact in the communities you serve. Supporting care experienced people can bring massive benefits to you and your teams. I know so many amazing care experienced people. What skills did your experience allow you to bring to the table? #careexperienced #fostercare #skillsforlife #inclusion #diversity

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    Love collaboration and sharing parenting skills. Our founder and trustee Row collaborated with Parenting Matters to bring a discount offer to all care experienced parents and foster parents out there for an amazing new online course. Fostered Futures is dedicated to building the skills of all care experienced people in every area of their lives. Check out and use code Futures2024 to benefit from the 50% discount available until the 31 st of March. And check out the latest blog from FosterTalk on the topic of hobbies and skills #learning #parenting #skillsforlife #careexperienced #fosterparents

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    It was wonderful to see our trustee and founder Row lead the activity to see Newport become the first council in Wales to recognise Care Experince as a protected Charecteristic last week. #careexperienced #equality #inclusion

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    Care leavers will be given greater recognition by Newport City Council when it is designing policies and services. That is following a decision at last week’s full council meeting to recognise care leavers (care experienced) as a protected characteristic. ‘Care experienced’ will be added to the list of protected characteristics on the council’s next Strategic Equality Plan, which is due to be published later this year. The move will see the council take the specific needs of care leavers into account whenever it is taking decisions, and give the council greater autonomy to put in place policies and programmes which will promote improved outcomes for care leavers. The decision was supported unanimously at the meeting following a motion proposed by the leader of the council, Councillor Jane Mudd, and seconded by Councillor Stephen Marshall, joint cabinet member for social services. Prior to the meeting, a celebration was held at the Civic Centre for a number of care leavers who were presented with handmade quilts as part of the Quilts for Care Leavers project. The care leavers also had a chance to speak to the leader and other elected members about their experiences.   Bydd pobl sy'n gadael gofal yn cael mwy o gydnabyddiaeth gan Gyngor Dinas Casnewydd wrth ddylunio polisïau a gwasanaethau. Mae hynny'n dilyn penderfyniad yng nghyfarfod llawn y cyngor yr wythnos diwethaf i gydnabod pobl sy’n gadael gofal (profiad o fod mewn gofal) fel nodwedd warchodedig. Bydd 'profiad o fod mewn gofal' yn cael ei ychwanegu at y rhestr o nodweddion gwarchodedig ar Gynllun Cydraddoldeb Strategol nesaf y cyngor, fydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn ddiweddarach eleni. Bydd y cam yn golygu y bydd y cyngor yn ystyried anghenion penodol pobl sy'n gadael gofal pryd bynnag y bydd yn gwneud penderfyniadau, ac yn rhoi mwy o ymreolaeth i'r cyngor roi polisïau a rhaglenni ar waith fydd yn hyrwyddo canlyniadau gwell i bobl sy'n gadael gofal. Cefnogwyd y penderfyniad yn unfrydol yn y cyfarfod yn dilyn cynnig gan arweinydd y cyngor, y Cynghorydd Jane Mudd, a eiliwyd gan y Cynghorydd Stephen Marshall, cyd-aelod cabinet dros y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol. Cyn y cyfarfod, cynhaliwyd dathliad yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig ar gyfer nifer o bobl sy’n gadael gofal. Cyflwynwyd cwiltiau wedi eu gwneud â llaw iddynt fel rhan o’r prosiect Cwiltiau ar gyfer Ymadawyr Gofal. Cafodd y bobl sy’n gadael gofal gyfle hefyd i siarad â'r arweinydd ac aelodau etholedig eraill am eu profiadau.

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    Fostered Futures: Powered by Passion, Driven by Purpose At Fostered Futures, we're a small but dedicated team of all volunteers, united by a passion for supporting care-experienced children and adults. We believe in the transformative power of opportunities, and we're committed to helping care-experienced individuals reach their full potential. As a 100% volunteer-led organisation, we understand the value of time and effort. That's why we may not post as frequently on our channels as you might expect. We're busy dedicating our time and energy to directly supporting those we serve. But don't let our infrequent posting fool you. We're actively working behind the scenes, creating opportunities that empower care-experienced individuals to thrive. We're also advocating for their rights and amplifying their voices. Here's a glimpse into the work we do: Community engagement: We bring together care-experienced individuals, and the wider community, fostering connections and understanding. Advocacy and awareness: We speak out for the rights of care-experienced individuals, raising awareness about their experiences and advocating for policies that support their well-being. Creating Opportunities: We work with amazing people at social services, local clubs and other charities to create opportunities for children and adults who are care experienced. While we may be small in numbers, we're mighty in our impact. The passion and dedication of our volunteers fuel our mission, and we're committed to making a difference in the lives of care-experienced individuals. So, the next time you see a post from Fostered Futures, know that it represents the culmination of countless hours of volunteer effort. It's a testament to our unwavering commitment to supporting care-experienced individuals and creating a brighter future for them. #FosteredFutures #CareExperienced #TransformingFutures #VolunteerLed #PassionDriven #CommunityImpact #1000chances

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    We have our first ever request. A young lad who has left foster care and really wants to develop his YouTube skills. We have found an online course which could be a great introduction Udemy. What are the chances you could gift the course to this care experienced young adult who has been through so much in his life already and is keen to grow? Any help always greatly appreciated. These children and young adults experience some of the hardest starts in life imaginable and just want the chance to learn and grow. #careexperienced #fostercare #learn #1000chances

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