Growth Collaborations LLC

Growth Collaborations LLC

Business Consulting and Services

Enneagram-informed leadership coaching for individuals and facilitation for teams.

About us

BECOME THE LEADER YOU ARE MEANT TO BE - aware of your strengths and weaknesses, clear on your leadership style, effective in leading your team to achieve your organization's goals. Coaching you to become aware of your patterns, when they serve and don't serve you, and learn and practice alternative behaviors. Advising you on specific leadership challenges. Facilitating workshops to strengthen team trust and effectiveness. Facilitating your strategic planning, goal setting, prioritization, and decision-making and setting you up for success. We combine strategic thinking, operational expertise, and personal growth support to unlock your full leadership potential. Our services are tailored to meet your and your organization's specific needs, culture, and goals. Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey that will revolutionize your leadership and shape a thriving future for your organization.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
1 employee
leadership coaching, thought partner, chief of staff, team coaching, strategic thinking, and operational expertise

Employees at Growth Collaborations LLC


  • When going into a difficult or important conversation, first, check in with yourself. Are you already stressed because of a long commute? Might not be the best time to have that conversation. Perhaps you are relaxed and open going into that meeting with a customer but something they say triggers something in you. Are you aware of that change in your own emotional state? Being aware of what is happening within us is the first step to choosing our response and showing up more effectively. Try #coaching.

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  • "Happy to be here." (Read the article for more... 😉 )

    View profile for Lisa Mazzoni, graphic

    Leadership Development through Coaching, Advising & Workshop Facilitation | Past Global Leadership Roles in Biotech & Pharma | Supply Chain | PMO Leadership | Enneagram Accredited | Deep Coaching Certified

    How does your culture compare to the Blue Angels? Does everyone have a clear role? Do they understand and execute their roles? Does everyone trust that everyone else understands and executes their role? Is there a feedback cycle to guarantee humility, gratitude and continuous improvement?

    Leadership Lessons From The Blue Angels

    Leadership Lessons From The Blue Angels

  • Planning your year-end workshops and looking for a facilitator? Here are a few I've recently led that can be customized to your needs. ▶ Strategy refresh and goal setting. For any leadership team. Review your year to date results, update your SWOT analysis, brainstorm and prioritize goals, plan the communication rollout. ▶ New leader assimilation. For leaders in new roles. Accelerate the getting to know each other phase. ▶ Giving and receiving feedback. For any team at any time, but especially at year-end performance review time. ▶ Enneagram exploration. For any team looking to increase performance by getting to know themselves and each other better. I have a few openings in early September, late October, and November and December. Contact me now to hold your date.

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  • Happy Monday everyone!

    View profile for Lisa Mazzoni, graphic

    Leadership Development through Coaching, Advising & Workshop Facilitation | Past Global Leadership Roles in Biotech & Pharma | Supply Chain | PMO Leadership | Enneagram Accredited | Deep Coaching Certified

    Lead like a goose? There is a flock of geese in my neighborhood. They are usually sitting, standing, and walking around on one lawn or another. They seem to be independently going about their own business - aware of one another but not necessarily interacting. The other day, I observed these geese in their usual behavior, seemingly minding their own business, when suddenly they all simultaneously took flight. What told them to do that? Did one goose give the signal, imperceptible to human sight or hearing? Or, did they simply know that was the thing to do at the time? This made me think about a style of leadership where the leader has set the direction so that everyone on the team knows what they need to do and when they need to do it. When it's time to move, the team members know it - even if the leader doesn't give an "order" or even if the leader isn't there. Do you want to lead like a goose? Let's talk about how to get you there.

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  • What is it about decision making that can freeze us in our tracks? At first, it sounds great and we think "wow, my boss must have a lot of confidence and trust in me." Then, our inner voice starts to nag at us... "Are you sure you are smart enough? Maybe you need to get others' opinions. You don't know what you're doing." If you've ever heard those inner voices, you're familiar with the #innercritic. The inner critic shows up in all areas of our lives and throughout our career. It can be especially loud - and potentially damaging - as we take on our first leadership role. If we believe the inner critic, we risk being slow to make decisions and take action. In a culture that values action this can be career-limiting. What's your relationship with decision making?

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  • “If it’s right, you’ll know.” What does it mean to know something? How do we know we are making the right or best or good decision? I’ve had a couple of clients express their coaching goal as something like “I want to be confident that I’m making the right (career) choice.” As we get deeper, it’s clear that the root of the dilemma is different for each individual. Some clients are afraid to make a mistake. Some are worried how their decision will affect other people’s perception of them. And others are looking for certainty. Not able to trust their intuition, they seek data and facts or get others’ opinions. Through somatic coaching, we tap into the intelligence of the whole body – the gut, the heart, and the head – to work through our dilemmas. We slow down, way down, to listen, to feel, and to understand. That’s how we conquer fear and find our inner faith that whatever we choose, we can choose to make the best of it.

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  • Are you an effective communicator? I recently facilitated a workshop with a virtual team looking to improve communication within their team. We opened with this exercise and a discussion about what it means to "communicate." 🔎 It's not only what you say but how you say it. Verbals and non-verbals matter. 🔎 When in doubt, ask clarifying questions. 🔎 Know when to use which medium - email, live, etc. 🔎Your internal mood and emotions impact how you convey and receive information. For important topics, be fully present and engaged. Please share your tips in the comments section. 👇

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  • I recently had the privilege of participating in #WomensLeadershipCircles with Ipek Serifsoy, PhD and an amazing cohort of women from across the country. One of our outcomes was to create a personal leadership vision and this is what I created for myself. * One on one coaching to achieve your leadership goals * Customized team facilitation to open doors for communication, collaboration, and high performance

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  • When I'm working with groups, I often get asked how to bridge generational divides. My answer is always that the individual is more important than their generation. Yes, there are some common stereotypes but no one is only one thing. I coach individuals to understand themselves - and then to understand others. We are all shaped by our genetics and lived experiences. We are unique AND share common beliefs and behaviors with others. A good leader sees those differences and commonalities, asks for and listens to feedback. A good leader understands that they can learn from everyone - regardless of the year of their birth. When was the last time you took the time to connect with someone of a different generation? What did you learn?

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