A partner and I started work on a vending machine concept a few years ago — a few things killed it. But the idea was to deliver a snack in a place like an airport that offered automatically-balanced macronutrients (it was to be called "Compleatly"). You'd pick a snack and the software would pair up one or two more items to create a much better, on-the-go option, even in an airport. So you could have the Peanut M&Ms along with maybe some jerky to balance the fat/carbs with some protein.
Damn those peanut butter M&Ms look good at the airport right now. You could replace peanut butter M&Ms with any other thing strategically situated to entice you to indulge. It’s like a month to the flame when we are HUNGRY. And that’s the thing. Most people feel hungry ALL THE TIME. But what about satiety. “What you talkin ‘bout Willis” you might think. Hunger is defined as a strong desire or need for food while satiety is the condition of being full or gratified. Switch to focusing on satiety and you will thank me. It’s like Ozempic without the cost or side effects. For the next 2 weeks focus on eating foods and at times that keep you from 4-7 on the scale. You will realize what foods actually SATISFY you vs temporarily tamping down hunger. You won’t be eating many of this m&ms. Here is the scale… 10 - Extremely stuffed, nauseous 9 - Stuffed, very uncomfortable 8 - Overfull, somewhat uncomfortable 7 - Full but not uncomfortable 6 - Satisfied, but could eat a little more 5 - Starting to feel hungry 4 - Hungry, stomach growling 3 - Uncomfortably hungry, distracted, irritable 2 - Very hungry, low energy, weak and dizzy 1 - Starving, no energy, very weak Why did it take me until 52 paying out of pocket to a dietician to be taught this?! Oh and did you know most insurance covers dieticians, i will ignore the high deductible health plan damper to this for now… This is where we need to improve our model of care so that we can actually reverse lifestyle disease. When we prescribe people food are we teaching this?! Is the food we are giving them even capable of achieving satiety?! Does what we are providing even meet the definition of food? What about nutrient density and source - it’s at the core of our relationship with food. Erin W. Martin Katie Stebbins Carter Williams Erin Booker, LPC Dariush Mozaffarian Robert Lustig Josh Erndt-Marino Kelly Springer MS, RD, CDN #foodishealth #regenerativeagreiculture #foodismedicine