I submitted a new talk. We'll see if it gets accepted, venue I haven't done, talk I haven't done. But it is 2025, the year that we were always targeting for what the road ahead looks like.
---Submission follows---
Envisioning a Ubiquitous Web
Hey I need you to write that down. A pencil and a paper provided, there's no question how they will be used. We've had the internet and web standards far too long for this not to be the case. You may think we have it with component architecture, advancements in HTML, CSS and ECMAScript; and I would agree that these are all steps in the right direction. for us; the knowledge elite and web expert class that knows what any of this means.
A pencil and paper work for a novice and expert. They work for someone who does not know how to produce paper or where to obtain lead. They are the beginning of any story you wish to write, whether it's "creed-thoughts-dot-blogspot" or a sonnet or a thank you note. There is no question as to the technical ability of the person holding that pencil to strike a line against the page and how it will work.
The web works for technical elites, it must work for everyone. This is a vision for what a Ubiquitous Web can be and will be via the HAX ecosystem. h-a-x is 100s of custom element tags built using web standards to empower anyone to express themselves as a powerful web authoring tool that works anywhere, regardless of technical ability or stack.
Start at a current site, nothing, PHP, NodeJS, the terminal, Electron, start in a web container or a word doc; it shouldn't matter, and yet it all should be able to work to the benefit of the user. The HAX ecosystem has invested in the web and web standards and will present a bold vision for Web Ubiquity that breaks traditional worldviews associated with Content Management, ownership and what's possible on the web when we empower everyone.
In this talk the audience will:
- Be challenged to consider the waste our tools and decisions generate in the world
- Consider 7 Pillars HAX identifies for "Ubiquitous Web"
- Learn how HAX has built these pillars into its ecosystem
- See the current state of HAX making "Ubiquity" a reality today and the road-map into the future
- Allow attendees to engage with HAX without needing to install anything via https://hax.cloud/
HAX is 100% open source and is funded by Penn State's need to develop open courses in a sustainable manner for students. HAX Project Lead (Ollendyke) has created a human pipeline of student developers learning modern Web Component development via Lit / lit-html by embedding contribution and learning this library into Penn State Information Sciences courses. HAX has student clubs, camps, and a faculty run lab at Penn State: https://hax.psu.edu
Help us dream and build a Ubiquitous Web for the world!