Please join us on 11/21 from 9-11 am for our next virtual HPRI Research Symposium on American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Homelessness
The American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Homelessness Symposium will bring together leaders, scholars, and advocates to discuss Indigenous homelessness through the lenses of innovative legal frameworks, human rights, Indigenous conceptions of home/belonging, and transformative systems change. Dr. Andrea Garcia, Mayoral Appointed Commissioner for the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission, will serve as moderator, guiding the event as we explore the unique challenges of Indigenous homelessness within the context of ongoing settler colonialism, and what emerging housing and service approaches are being used to respond to this crisis.
The symposium will feature presentations from Dr. Cathy Fournier, who will examine Canada’s definition of Indigenous homelessness and its broader implications in policy and research, and Joseph Berra, who will lead an exploration of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and its connection to housing rights and the LandBack movement. Both of these presentations will be complemented by panel discussions that will center Indigenous experience, highlight culturally informed services to native communities, address the responsibilities of researchers collecting or working with native data, and outline the systems-level changes necessary to respond to intergenerational trauma and health disparities faced by indigenous communities in LA. These conversations will help us build a collective vision of a future in LA where home is more than housing, and encompasses cultural safety and a place where healing can begin.
Please join us in this vital dialogue that builds on the incredible work of Indigenous scholars, front line providers, community based organizations, and community members. We hope to see you there!
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