🌱 i4-GREEN at the TERRAVISION Workshop! We were pleased to contribute to the TERRAVISION EU Project workshop on #MiningIndustry and #RegionalGovernmentCooperation, where we presented the project developments and explored the regional impact of the I4-GREEN project. 👏 A special thanks to TERRAVISION, ICAMCyL Foundation Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC), and all fellow participants for fostering valuable discussions and strengthening European cooperation towards a more sustainable future! #MiningInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #TERRAVISION #ISMC #RegionalCollaboration #I4GREEN #GreenMining ICAMCyL Foundation, Associação Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources, Gevora Construcciones S.A., Leonore Development, Atalaya Riotinto, Lain Tech, Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC), Nanofaber Srl, Junta de Andalucía, VENTURA ORTS SA
🎉Highlights from Workshop "Mining Industry and Regional Government Cooperation: Opportunities for Fostering Innovation and Building Development", in which TERRAVISION EU Project played an important, supporting role! 👩🏼🏫Attendees of the workshop included representatives of mining companies, 9 R&D EU funded projects, representatives from the Directorate of Mines from the Regional Government of Andalucia (Junta de Andalucía), and from the S3P mining regions partnership. 🤝The event was organised by TERRAVISION partner Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC), in an effort to strengthen collaboration with relevant S3 platforms, institutional partners, and other projects operating in the mining sector. 💙A big thank you to all participants, as well as S34I project, GAIA-TSF, DEXPLORE EU Project, PERMANET Project, MaDiTraCe PROJECT, WIDEX EU Project, i4-GREEN and Li4LIFE EU Project, for coming together to strengthen european partnerships! #MiningInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #TERRAVISION #ISMC #RegionalCollaboration