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Congratulations to George Whitesides on securing a new seat in Congress representing California’s 27th District, one of the latest races in the country to be called. Our close collaboration with George for his mainstage event at TED 2023 was a bring-it-on, multi-media sprint to show (not tell) the story of megafire, and the importance of cumulative solutions in solving immeasurable challenges. Here's what we learned from George, and we are grateful he is bringing it to Washington. ↗ Integrity Comes From Accuracy: Every graphic, data point, and clip of footage for the talk was sourced from real documentarians, cited by name, and fact-checked for authenticity. George's priority from day one. ↗ Action Requires Common Sense and Brilliant Ingenuity: Real solutions often balance simplicity with breakthrough ideas. George's talk combined historical images and subject matter expertise from the Forest Service and first responders with new technologies from leading fire tech companies. ↗ You Are the Company You Keep: Surrounding yourself with people who share your values amplifies success. Our collaboration included strategy, editing, and animation. George was the first one on each review call and the last to leave. We have the visionary doers Gabe Kleinman and Matt Weiner at Megafire Action to thank for the introduction. ↗ The Road is Long... But Right Now We Need Speed & Scale: The urgency of our climate challenge demands both immediate action and scalable approaches that can drive widespread change. We're thrilled George's TED talk has passed 1M views—but even more excited that his stage just got much bigger. 🌎