CALL FOR PAPERS | Island(er)s at the Helm End Conference
The Island(er)s at the Helm research project invites scholars, practitioners, and artists to submit abstracts for its upcoming conference dedicated to exploring the intersections of cultural, heritage, climate challenges, policy, governance, and sustainable adaptation in the (Dutch) Caribbean.
We invite reflective works on the concept of poetics, policy, governance, research, architecture, development, encouraging exploration of aesthetics, writers' voices, imaginaries, and the shifting narratives of Caribbean futures. Abstracts may focus on any area of the Caribbean and may explore these questions in relation to the evolving environmental, cultural, and political dynamics of the region.
We have two calls:
Call for papers #1: (Dutch) Caribbean climate poetics: Islander voices, aesthetics, imaginaries, and futures
Call for papers #2: The politics of climate governance
Deadline: 31 March 2025
For all information see: