JENZA on Spotify 🔈 Our own Adam Janaway on the amazing podcast: Parenting Teenagers Untangled with Rachel Richards. Discussing the benefits of working abroad for your teenagers. As a business that encourages young people to pack their bags, fly halfway across the world and work or intern overseas - we know we might not always be a parent/guardian's favourite people! Which is why this podcast was super important to us. As the cheerleaders, protectors and often purseholders behind the scenes - we know we have a job to do for parents and guardians too. To make sure we're creating a range of work abroad experiences that can support your child's skillset/CV/ wanderlust (often all of the above!). So this is a shoutout to say 'parents and guardians of the world' - we're thinking about you too. And we hope you love this podcast as much as we do.
I would love to know whether seeing work abroad on a young person’s CV would have any impact on your interest in recruiting them. The working holiday I did in my gap year was literally life-changing. Being immersed in a completely different culture, with people who spoke a different language, and having to work alongside them, was disorienting but had a profound effect on my world view, and resilience. I learnt to adapt quickly, discovered a different work culture mindset, and had to solve a lot of tricky problems alone. My teens are now 16 and 18 and have been through lockdown during a crucial part of building life-skills. As a result, I’m even more keen on them having the chance to work abroad. So when JENZA offered to sponsor this episode I was very keen to hear their tips on how to go about arranging work. My 18 year old wanted to hear what it might do for her career, and has decided she will work in Japan, but my 16 year old wanted to know how much fun she could have and is going to apply to work in a summer camp next year. I’ve been getting so many enquires about teen travel and work abroad that I’m hoping this interview is genuinely helpful to you all.