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Keep Your Life

Keep Your Life

Book and Periodical Publishing

Idaho Falls, Idaho 30 followers

Equipping GenX/Y Parents with Enduring Endgame Excellence

About us

Be able to declare to your Loved Ones: “I have exercised my capacity to make the tough decisions that will affect me as soon as tomorrow to beyond my last breath; decisions are legal and binding, and where necessary, financed so they can be carried out fully; where I can’t anticipate every decision, I have legally empowered those I trust most to speak for me when I can no longer speak for myself. In accordance with my informed beliefs about future risks, I have legally and ethically positioned my resources to be most available for responsible distributions to benefit me and my Loved Ones. As a result, my Loved Ones will not be compelled to sacrifice their income, time, careers, relationships, health, and sanity to attend to my basic needs. Rather, all of us can remain Loved Ones. My Loved Ones know that they can give me their love AND keep their lives!” Sound Mind Care, LLC ➤ Published the Best-Selling book, Keep Your Life: Plan Your Endgame So Loved Ones Stay Loved Ones ➤ Produces Keep Your Life™ ➣ educational videos ➣ online educational courses ➣ podcasts ➣ downloads ➣ webinars ➤ Owns the Keep Your Life™ Method for financial advisers or other licensed professionals who are authorized by Sound Mind Care, LLC to adhere to the Keep Your Life Method for getting clients' estate, retirement, and business SUCCESSion plans on the same page. ➤ Owns the Keep Your Life™ ➣ YouTube (or other video platform) channel ➣ Facebook page ➣ Journey Facebook group ➣ Membership Facebook group, where “Facebook” could be replaced with another social media or paid platform in any of the above pages or groups.

Book and Periodical Publishing
Company size
1 employee
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Informal Business Valuation, Business Continuity/Successions, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Virtual Advising, Proprietary Planning Process, Sensitivity to Changing Relationships with Age, Transitioning for Simplicity, Averting Elder Abuse, Education to Accelerate Your Progress, Support Community, Hosting Interviews with Experts, Evaluating and Incorporating Megatrends into Planning, How to Increase Transparency from your Advisers, Women's Issues Leading up to and during Retirement, Challenging Prevailing Assumptions, Difference between Selling and Advising, Busting Myths of Financial Entertainers, Checks and Balances, Planning is Perpetual as Life Changes, and Continual Support

