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Nutrimentum et Curae

Nutrimentum et Curae

Book and Periodical Publishing

“We are what we eat”

About us

Nutrimentum et Curae focuses on all issues related to body and mind health maintenance, and the search for all strategies – pharmacological and non-pharmacological – to find optimal nutritional and behavioral patterns for the population. It publishes novelties in basic science, surveillance, epidemiologic and intervention research, cohort studies, clinical trials, and new therapeutic options, in order to supply international researchers with a valuable platform for discussion of challenges and opportunities in the field of body and mind nutrition. A unique characteristic of Nutrimentum et Curae journal is to emphasize studies on all issues related to the value of nutritional and behavioral strategies as a cure, other than their role in maintaining wellbeing and to avoid the occurrence of diseases. Moreover, articles focusing on specific farming methods, the environmental impact of food production and cultivation, sport and psychotherapeutic approaches, psychological aspects related to food, foods for special medical purposes, and impact of a restrictive or selective diet will be also well accepted.

Book and Periodical Publishing
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at Nutrimentum et Curae


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