🌍 A Journey Through Migration Studies Online Staj at TUIC Academy
📍 6 Weeks, 13 Diverse Minds, Countless Insights 🌍
As the Director of the Migration Studies Online Program, I am happy to share that we have completed our 6-week program with 13 remarkable participants from various academic backgrounds. We were also privileged to have a participant with a PhD from Germany, adding an even richer perspective to our discussions.
Over these weeks, we delved deep into critical topics such as migration (göç), irregular migration (düzensiz göç), brain drain (beyin göçü), migrant (göçmen), asylum seeker (sığınmacı), refugee (mülteci), temporary protection status (geçici koruma statüsü), resettlement (yeniden yerleştirme), integration (entegrasyon), citizenship (vatandaşlık), diaspora, transnationalism (ulusötesilik), development (kalkınma), and security (güvenlik).
Our conversations often ventured beyond the syllabus, creating a space where everyone taught and learned something new.
I thank each participant for their dedication, passion, and invaluable insights. This program was a collective effort, and it was truly inspiring to witness the exchange of ideas and experiences from such a diverse group.
Thank you all for making this journey so enriching. 💙
#MigrationStudies #Education #Diversity #LearningTogether #Gratitude