A wise person once said, "You can take the founder out of founding, but you can't spell connection without connect." ...or something like that. 😬 We frequently explain Varghese Alexander to others as one of the Kevin Bacons of independent schools. Those of you that know him, we can hear you giggle at that statement while feeling its truth in your bones. Atleast we all know that he's still got it! Yusuf Al-Kadi, congratulations on catching the equivalent of a independent school leprechaun. Your pot of gold is the number of people that now trust you because you're standing next to Varghese in a picture. Don't worry, you can trust us. We speak from experience. 😂 That being said, we at Pipeline Cooperative, will always appreciate seeing the CURRENT clearing the way for the FUTURE. Here's to the leaders that recognize that true leadership is clearing the way for others! #realleaderscleartheway #futureleadersheedtheway #mentorship #sponsorship #pipelinecooperative
Teachers College, Columbia University new jacket + the work of Michael Arjona at The Walker School motivated Yusuf Al-Kadi to stop me in the Atlanta Airport yesterday and ask me about teaching. So grateful for the numerous colleagues I've crossed paths with over the years and the new bridges made. #ATLfortheWin Klingenstein Center, Teachers College, Columbia University Pipeline Cooperative #KLA'13 Windsor School Bahamas @ousmandemba Mark Boswell