Rob Fenstermaker, Kingdom Builder, Empowering Men Build a Bridge to their Kingdom

Rob Fenstermaker, Kingdom Builder, Empowering Men Build a Bridge to their Kingdom

Education Administration Programs

Venice, Florida 79 followers

I empower men to break down the walls they have build, and to build a bridge that leads to their Kingdom

About us

Do you feel as if you have given the power of your life over to another? Trust me, I understand as that used to be me! I knew that it was time to take back the power of my own life and determine the direction where I was going to head. It was time to become that leader that I knew I needed to become. I started a breakthrough journey to create a new mindset. I engaged the services of a coach who was able to show me that I had within my grasp the ability to regain the power in my life. I was able to prioritize my life and relationships so that they were in alignment with the values that comprised the core of my beliefs. Once I was able to put my core values into action, I found that life had a new perspective. That perspective enabled me to discover a deeper meaning. That deeper meaning allowed me to understand how I can use my life to impact the lives of others. I enjoy connecting with powerful people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I enjoy connecting with people who know that their life has meaning but are struggling to make sense of it. I became empowered and I want to take you on your personal journey to empower you to take charge of your life as you create the next great chapter of your life story! I will help you to discover the power that you have and how your life is significant. I will help you to discover the unique creation that you are as you release your unique story upon the world to create eternal significance. In working with me, you will: *Discover an unshakable belief that you can achieve your life goals. *A deeper understanding of your core life values that are your guide. *An accountability structure that enables you to maintain focus upon personal goal achievement. When powerful and bold people work together, they can create a lasting impact. Are you ready?

Education Administration Programs
Company size
1 employee
Venice, Florida
Life Coaching


Employees at Rob Fenstermaker, Kingdom Builder, Empowering Men Build a Bridge to their Kingdom


  • Every moment you spend with your family is an opportunity to lead by example— What kind of example are you setting? As a man, your role as a leader within your family is not just a responsibility but a profound and significant part of your life journey. It's a role that you undertake with utmost importance and value. As a man, you are to lead your wife and children with courage and integrity, setting the standard for living purposefully. Courage doesn't mean the absence of fear—it means choosing to act despite it. True courage allows you to lead with strength and wisdom without fear dictating your actions. As a man, your leadership has a profound impact on your family. Your most significant responsibility is to protect your family physically, emotionally, and spiritually with courageous leadership. Your children are always watching and learning from the example you set. What kind of leader do you want them to see? Here are five ways you can become a courageous leader for your family: 1. Stand Up for WWhat'sRight: Demonstrate integrity by doing what's right, even when difficult. Could you show your family that you stand firm in your values, no matter the circumstances? 2. Lead by Example: Actions speak louder than words. Live out the values you want to instill in your children, whether showing respect by treating your wife with kindness, working hard by being diligent in your job or making time for family by prioritizing family activities. Your behavior sets the standard. 3. Communicate Openly and Honestly: Be willing to have tough conversations, and don't hesitate to discuss your fears and struggles. Honest, open communication will show your family that courage is about honesty, not perfection. 4. Prioritize Your FFamily'sWell-Being: Make decisions that put your ffamily'slong-term well-being above temporary desires or pressures. Your role is to guide and protect, even if it means making sacrifices. 5. Embrace Challenges with Resilience: Life will throw curveballs. When you face challenges, show your family how to approach them with determination and a positive mindset. Teach them that setbacks are growth opportunities. Men, the legacy you create as a husband and father is paramount. It starts with how you lead your family today. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to talk about how you can step into your leadership role with more courage and purpose. II'Malaso is launching a new cohort for men, Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood, which will empower you to become a better husband to your wife and a stronger father to your children. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder 

  • As a man, a better marriage starts with YOU! Becoming a better husband isn’t just about grand gestures or special occasions; it’s about showing up daily as a man committed to nurturing, protecting, and growing with his partner. Your relationship with your wife is a cornerstone of your life; when you invest in improving it, every other aspect of your life benefits. Here are five ways you can strengthen your relationship with your wife and become the empowered husband she deserves: 1. Listen Actively: Try to truly hear what she’s saying without interrupting or trying to solve the problem immediately. Sometimes, all she needs is to feel understood and validated. 2. Show Appreciation Daily: Make it a point to acknowledge the little things she does and express gratitude. These small, everyday acts of appreciation build a foundation of love and respect and bring warmth and love to your relationship. 3. Quality Time Together is crucial to nurturing your bond. Whether it’s a weekly date night, a morning coffee together, or a walk in the park, set aside time without any distractions. This undivided attention can help strengthen your connection. 4. Communicate with Honesty and Vulnerability: Share your thoughts, feelings, and struggles openly. When you’re vulnerable, you create a safe space for your wife to be vulnerable, deepening your connection. 5. Support Her Goals and Aspirations: Show genuine interest in her dreams and actively help her pursue them. Supporting her ambitions fosters a relationship built on mutual growth and support and brings joy and fulfillment to your relationship. Becoming your best husband starts with a decision to grow and improve. Schedule a complimentary call with me to discuss how you can take your relationship to the next level and become an empowered husband. I’m launching a new cohort for men called Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood. It’s time to step into a new kind of leadership in your marriage. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • Imagine the potential for personal growth and the opportunity to build stronger family relationships. What if you could create deeper connections with your family while building a legacy of leadership for your children? It is not just a possibility but a promising journey that awaits you. You have it within you to become a better husband to your wife and a more impactful father to your children. You don't need to reinvent yourself—those traits are already inside you. Sometimes, you need someone to help you uncover them. That's where I come in. Working with me will be a transformative journey, building a solid foundation of truths that align with your core values and unlocking your full potential. You'll gain a new level of clarity about your calling, and together, we will create a clear path to help you live it out. You will become a more influential leader for your family, work, and community. Here are four reasons why this will benefit you in living out your calling: 1. Stronger Relationships: By becoming more attuned to your core values, you'll understand how to communicate better, support, and connect with your spouse and children. You'll learn to create meaningful moments that build trust and deeper emotional bonds. Stronger relationships foster a family environment where love, respect, and understanding flourish. 2. Purposeful Leadership: Effective leadership is grounded in clarity and authenticity at home or in the workplace. You'll gain the tools to lead from a place of confidence, empathy, and integrity. As a result, you'll inspire your family to grow and thrive and bring that same level of impact and vision to your professional and community roles. Purposeful leadership will set you apart as someone who leads by example. 3. Greater Fulfillment: Every area of your life feels more meaningful when your actions align with your higher purpose. When you are living out your mission, you'll wake up each day with a clear sense of direction. This clarity brings more peace, joy, and satisfaction—not just for you but for everyone who looks to you for guidance and strength. 4. Raising Future Leaders: Your children look to you as their first and most important role model. By showing them how to live a life grounded in purpose, values, and integrity, you set the standard for authentic leadership. As they watch you lead with strength and compassion, they'll model those same behaviors in their own lives. You'll equip them with the confidence, resilience, and moral foundation to become leaders in their own right—in their relationships, careers, or communities. Ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and family leadership? Let's take the next step together. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to discuss how we can begin this transformative journey together. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • There is one thing that those with a failure mindset have in common. Excuses are the common denominator of those who embrace a failure mindset. When you focus on BLAME (Being Lazy And Making Excuses), you remain stuck in a victim mindset. BLAME is a self-destructive cycle where you avoid taking responsibility for your actions and instead find reasons to justify your inaction. Here's the truth—you can step away from victimhood and into victory. It's time to grab your OAR: Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility, and steer your life in the direction you deserve. Here are four action steps you can take today to stop being a victim and start becoming a victor: 1. Own your situation – No matter what has happened in the past, take responsibility for where you are now and decide to change your trajectory. It's easy to blame others or circumstances, but you regain control when you accept full ownership of your life. Owning your situation is the first step to reclaiming your power and charting a new course. 2. Stop making excuses – Identify your excuses and challenge them. Excuses are self-imposed barriers that keep you stuck. You can eliminate them and focus on solutions by recognizing them for what they are. Remember, each time you make an excuse, you're allowing fear or laziness to win. Replace those excuses with reasons to take action. This liberation from excuses frees you to focus on your goals and take meaningful steps toward victory. 3. Shift your mindset – Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles holding you back. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. When you see difficulties as a chance to learn and improve, you step out of the victim mindset and into a growth-oriented perspective. Your attitude determines your outcomes—choose one that aligns with victory. This growth-oriented perspective fills you with optimism and hope for a successful future. 4. Surround yourself with victors – Who you spend time with impacts your success. You'll stay stuck in that mentality if you surround yourself with negative, excuse-making individuals. But if you spend time with people who push you, challenge you, and encourage growth, you'll be inspired to rise above excuses and embrace responsibility. Seek out a community of victors who model the mindset and behaviors you want to adopt. Ready to make the shift? Schedule your complimentary discovery call today, a one-on-one session where we'll discuss your current situation, your goals, and how you can embrace victory by building talk about action and accountability into your life. The choice is yours—victim or victor. Which will you choose? All your choices have consequences, so choose wisely. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • October 12, 1991 I took a massive step into the brotherhood of manhood. On this day, my wife and I exchanged vows and united as man and woman in matrimony. Thirty-two years go by fast.  We have done quite a bit together. We raised two children in a home we built and laughed and cried together. People have entered and left our lives. Today is our day to celebrate our 33rd year of marriage. Part of being a man is understanding that true strength lies in unity. A united marriage empowers both partners, fostering a relationship built on trust and mutual respect. A perfect marriage does not exist. Acceptance recognizes strengths and weaknesses. You rely on your partners' strengths and support them in their imperfections. As a man, one of the things that empowered me to become a better husband to my wife were those men I allowed to speak into my life. They mentored me along the way and celebrated as our family grew. After 33 years of marriage, there are still bumps in the road. These 'bumps' are the challenges we face, our disagreements, and when we feel distant. But since life is fluid, I must remember that our relationship goes through seasons like life. As I have grown through life, I, too, have grown in my understanding of what it means to be a man. Empowered wives better serve manhood. She knows what her spouse needs to thrive and provides encouragement and discernment. A man listens to his wife. As I enter into this next phase of life, I want to empower young men to become better husbands to their wives and more impactful fathers to their children. I am launching a new Cohort for men to do just that. If you want to learn more about the Cohort, "Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood," grab some time on my calendar to talk. We invite all of you to join us in celebrating this milestone, a testament to the power of love and commitment. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #creativitiy #innovation #business #kingdombuilder

  • The Power of Support in a Man's Life Support from other men is transformative. As men, we often try to carry the weight of our responsibilities independently, but true strength comes when we have others to lean on. Support from men who understand your journey empowers you to go further and faster. Here are five ways support from other men empowers you: 1. Shared Strength – Having the support of other men allows you to draw on their strength when you need it most. You know you don't have to face challenges alone; you can overcome anything together. 2. Accountability and Growth—Supportive men will hold you accountable for your goals and actions. They'll push you to grow, challenge you to level up, and help you stay on track when things get tough. 3. Emotional Resilience – When you can express your fears and frustrations to other men without judgment, you build emotional resilience. The relief that comes from sharing these burdens with supportive men is immeasurable. Support gives you a safe space to release, regroup, and bounce back stronger. 4. Perspective and Wisdom – The support of other men provides invaluable perspective. You gain access to their experiences, insights, and wisdom, which can guide you through your struggles and decisions. This empowerment through knowledge is a kcrucialbenefit of male support. 5. Building a Brotherhood – Support creates a sense of belonging and brotherhood. When you have a group of men standing by you, you develop trust, loyalty, and a powerful sense of community. This sense of belonging is a fundamental aspect of the support you'll receive. Are you ready to be supported by a group of men committed to helping each other succeed? Join my upcoming cohort, Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood, designed with you in mind, where we'll build a brotherhood that challenges, supports, and empowers you to lead purposefully. Let's talk. Schedule a time to connect with me and discover how Beyond the Provider can help you thrive with the support of other like-minded men. To join the cohort, schedule some time to talk. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • The Power of Communication in a Man's Life Effective communication is one of the most empowering tools a man can have. It's more than just speaking—genuinely connecting with others, expressing yourself clearly, and listening intently. When you can communicate effectively, especially with other men, it transforms your relationships, your leadership, and your life. Here are five ways communication with other men empowers you: 1. Clarity of Thought – Engaging in meaningful conversations helps you articulate your thoughts better. When you can clearly express yourself, it leads to better decision-making and problem-solving. 2. Building Trust—Open communication creates a foundation of trust and mutual respect. When you're honest and transparent in your conversations with other men, you strengthen bonds and foster deeper connections. 3. Emotional Release—Talking about challenges, fears, and frustrations allows you to release emotional burdens. Expressing what's on your mind lightens the load and makes room for growth and healing. 4. Learning and Growing – Communication is a two-way street. By sharing your experiences and listening to others, you gain insights and perspectives that help you grow as a leader, husband, and father. This continuous growth is what makes life truly fulfilling and inspiring. 5. Conflict Resolution—Effective communication helps resolve conflicts quickly and peacefully. Navigating difficult conversations strengthens one's ability to handle challenges confidently and comprehensively, providing a sense of reassurance and confidence. Are you ready to sharpen your communication skills and connect with other men on the same journey? Join my upcoming cohort, Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood, a Cohort designed with you in mind, where we'll explore communication, leadership, and personal growth in depth. Beyond the Provider is your opportunity to enhance your life and relationships. Let's connect. Take advantage of this chance to become a more impactful communicator and leader. Schedule a chat with me and learn how Beyond the Provider can help you grow. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • The Power of Connection in a Man's Life Connection is crucial. As men, we often feel the pressure to handle things on our own, but the truth is, when you surround yourself with other men who understand your journey, you gain strength, insight, and perspective that you can't find alone. Here are five ways connecting with other men empowers you: 1. Shared Wisdom – When you connect with other men, you tap into a wealth of experience and wisdom. You learn from their successes and mistakes, which helps you grow faster and make better decisions. 2. Accountability – True connection means you have others who will hold you accountable, pushing you to reach your potential and stick to your commitments, even when it's tough. 3. Emotional Support—Connection provides a safe space to share struggles, fears, and victories. You realize you're not alone in your challenges; this emotional support isn't just about sharing. It's about feeling understood and less alone, which builds resilience. 4. Collaboration and Growth – When men come together, ideas and opportunities flow. You gain fresh perspectives, collaborate on solutions, and challenge each other to grow beyond your comfort zone. 5. A Brotherhood of Trust – Building genuine connections creates a brotherhood where trust and respect thrive. This trust allows you to be vulnerable, share openly, and grow into the leader your family and community need. Are you ready to build solid and meaningful connections with other men? Join my upcoming cohort, Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood. In this program, we'll go beyond surface-level conversations and dive deep into what it means to lead with purpose and connection. You can participate in group discussions, one-on-one mentoring sessions, and exclusive events. It's a chance to grow and connect like never before. Let's talk. Schedule a time to meet with me and learn how you can join Beyond the Provider. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • The Power of Accountability in a Man's Life Accountability is more than just a concept. It's a transformative force. When you're held accountable for your actions, a decisive shift propels you toward personal growth and leadership. Stop making excuses and start owning your role as a leader in your family and your life. Here are five ways being held accountable empowers you as a man: 1. Clarity of Purpose – Accountability helps you focus on your goals and values. When someone holds you to a higher standard, you're less likely to drift or lose sight of what truly matters. 2. Personal Growth—When you're accountable, you constantly evaluate your actions, leading to personal development, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. 3. Increased Confidence – Accountability is the cornerstone of confidence. Knowing you're committed to following through builds self-confidence. Each time you step up and deliver, you strengthen your belief in your ability to lead. 4. Better Relationships – It teaches you to be honest and transparent, improve communication, build trust, and foster respect in personal and professional relationships. 5. Overcoming Changes—When someone holds you accountable, you're more likely to push through difficult situations. As a result, you develop resilience, learn to face adversity and grow stronger. Are you ready to be held to a higher standard? My upcoming cohort, Beyond the Provider: Redefining Manhood, is designed to challenge you, empower you, and help you lead with confidence. Together, we'll go beyond simply providing for your family and redefine what it means to lead indeed. Let's talk. Schedule a meeting with me and discover how you can be part of Beyond the Provider. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

  • Preperation done. Storm shutters are up, hurricane food is purchased, extra cash is on hand, the car is filled with fuel, and additional water is on hand. It is time to wait to see what Milton is up to. The storms are always going to happen. No one is immune from them. Being ready before they arrive is the surest way to get through them. If you need help with the storms coming your way, grab some time on my calendar to talk. Be Extraordinarily Bold! #strategy #innovation #creativity #business #kingdombuilder

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