Congrats to Steve Mulaik & Robot Advisors' Chris Lingamfelter for recording the first "Argon & Co Insights" episode. They talk about the changing landscape of warehouse software and what WES systems provide over WMS and WCS. A heartfelt thank you to Argon & Co for making this series possible. Enjoy!
Here is the first Argon & Co Insights conversation between Steve Mulaik and Chris Lingamfelter. Everyone has heard of a "lights out" factory or warehouse where there are no warehouse workers. What would you call a factory or warehouse without any managers? You might be tempted to say "lights out", or "chaos" but Chris and Steve talk about the rise of order orchestration systems that may make "no boss" warehouses possible and even desirable. Listen in. #WMS #WCS #WES #warehousesoftware #supplychain #argonandcoinsights