Skeptical Science

Skeptical Science

Non-profit Organizations

Explaining climate change science and rebutting global warming misinformation.

About us

Our mission is simple: debunk misinformation that is harming our species’ ability to deal with climate change caused by excessive anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. We do this by presenting peer-reviewed science and explaining the techniques of climate science denial, discourses of climate delay, and climate solutions denial. Some notes about commenting: For content shared from our homepage the best place for discussions is the original article and not necessarily the thread on LinkedIn. This especially applies when it comes to climate science related posts because most of our team members who are writing content for our website are not active on LinkedIn. They will therefore not be able to react to any comments made here. Please note that comparable rules apply for comments as do on our homepage. So please check them before posting comments: As comment threads on LinkedIn can become unwieldy rather quickly, commenting will in most cases only be available while moderating a thread is possible and will only be open for at most a day after a post's publication. Comments deemed inappropriate may get deleted without notice. This especially applies to comments made after a commenter was pointed towards a relevant comment thread on our homepage. We take this behaviour as a sign that a commenter wants to evade discussions with experts on the topic and is only here to troll our threads and waste our and others' time. Comments from those that have previously shown excessive trolling behaviour may be deleted as soon as we see them. This will unfortunately also delete any direct replies made and we apologize in advance if that happens. So, perhaps think twice about posting an immediate response to such comments. If you feel strongly that you have something positive to contribute to the discussion, post it as an individual comment to avoid deletion. Page admins: Bärbel Winkler & John Cook Page editor: Bärbel Winkler

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
1 employee
Debunking misinformation, Climate science communication, and Inoculation



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    The latest two fact briefs published in collaboration with Gigafact are closely related so we are sharing them in one go: Question 1: Is recent global warming part of a natural cycle? Answer: NO - While natural cycles explain some historical periods of climate change, the current one is due to human activity. [...] Fact brief: Full rebuttal: Question 2: Does manmade CO2 have any detectable fingerprint? Answer: YES - Atmospheric chemistry shows that humans are driving the recent CO2 increase. [...] Fact brief: Full rebuttal: Note: For content shared from our homepage the best place for discussions is the original article and not the thread on LinkedIn. This especially applies when it comes to climate science related posts because most of our team members who are writing content for our website are not active on LinkedIn. Comments are therefore closed. For more details, please see our comments policy at

    • Screenshots of two fact briefs:

Question 1: Is recent global warming part of a natural cycle?
Answer: NO - While natural cycles explain some historical periods of climate change, the current one is due to human activity. [...]

Question 2: Does manmade CO2 have any detectable fingerprint?
Answer: YES - Atmospheric chemistry shows that humans are driving the recent CO2 increase. [...]
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    Last week's #ClimateResearch collation includes "only" 99 reports by some 650 investigators. Bear in mind, that's output of -one- week, and at a bit less than 200 journals in our surveillance we're far from omniscient. Extra Intriguing/important: * The feasibility of reaching gigatonne scale CO2 storage by mid-century * Small reduction in land surface albedo due to solar panel expansion worldwide Keep your finger on the pulse of our climate future-- only a click away! #climate #climatescience

    • Illustratative immage for the Skeptical Science Weekly Research Posts showing a big pile of papers and envelopes on a desk.
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    A new United Nations brief highlights how sea-level rise affects coastal flooding, focusing on major G20 cities and Pacific Small Island States. It warns that climate change threatens coastal communities' lives and livelihoods. Anders Levermann, PIK researcher, contributed to the report. The global sea level is rising at rates unprecedented in the last 3,000 years, according to the UN report that was issued by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The publication outlines that in many areas of the western tropical Pacific, sea level has risen approximately 10–15 cm, close to or nearly twice the global rate measured since 1993.

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    Successfully dealing with climate change comes down to a matter of organized effort. Given the scale of the challenge we've created for ourselves and the conflicts of interest involved, collective wisdom as expressed in effective public policy is mandatory for a good outcome. But what's effective public policy? What should we voters be looking for, when deciding how and where to lend our support to governments remedying our climate problem? We don't have to guess. A paper in this week's collection of 218 research articles delves into exactly this question. ''Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades'' provides analysis that any voter can use when deciding where to spend a precious ballot. Other items of interest: * Arctic glacier snowline altitudes rise 150 m over the last 4 decades * A 27-country test of communicating the scientific consensus on climate change And a lot more needing only a couple of taps or clicks to access. #climate #climatescience #climateresearch Note: For content shared from our homepage the best place for discussions is the original article and not the thread on LinkedIn. This especially applies when it comes to climate science related posts because most of our team members who are writing content for our website are not active on LinkedIn. Comments are therefore closed. For more details, please see our comments policy at

    • Screenshot from the Research Summary post for Week 35 showing a sample of the 218 articles included.
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    Extreme heat is hard to visualise 🔥 Our Climate Visuals project produced new guidance, in collaboration with Climate Resilience for All covering 9 recommendations on portraying extreme heat as the serious threat that it is: 1. Extreme heat is not fun. 2. Extreme heat is more than a weather story. 3. Focus on the most-affected. 4. Accurately portray risks and impacts for average people. 5. But also show interventions to reduce extreme heat risk. 6. Think about your audience. 7. Rethink when to shoot. 8. Build sources and seek access ahead of time. 9. Take care of yourself. Find out more:

    Visualising extreme heat - Climate Outreach

    Visualising extreme heat - Climate Outreach

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    Our latest fact brief published in collaboration with Gigafact answers the question "Is decreased cosmic ray activity driving global warming?" with "NO - Over 50 years of data has produced no evidence that cosmic rays are driving global warming. [...]" Follow the link to read the full - but short! - fact brief and its references! Link to the full rebuttal the fact brief is related to: Note: For content shared from our homepage the best place for discussions is the original article and not the thread on LinkedIn. This especially applies when it comes to climate science related posts because most of our team members who are writing content for our website are not active on LinkedIn. Comments are therefore closed. For more details, please see our comments policy at

    • Screenshot of our latest fact brief published in collaboration with Gigafact answering the question "Is decreased cosmic ray activity driving global warming?" with "NO - Over 50 years of data has produced no evidence that cosmic rays are driving global warming. [...]"
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    Here's this week's scan of academic research on the sudden climate change we've caused, and how we're going to fix it. 142 articles in 66 journals, involving 808 researchers. Open access notables: * Rising temperatures lead to ocean suffocation, described in ''The ocean losing its breath under heatwaves.'' * Coastal flood barriers conquered by the ocean twice as often today as during the last 20 years of the 20th century, in ''Quantifying the Mean Sea Level, Tide, and Surge Contributions to Changing Coastal High Water Levels.'' * Don't invent or adopt terminology that isn't effective for important communications, as explored in ''Should we change the term we use for “climate change”? Evidence from a national U.S. terminology experiment.'' (we covered this earlier in the week via a Conversation article by this paper's lead author Wändi Bruine de Bruin) These are some of the shinier objects in the week's firehose of output. The nitty-gritty is in the mitigation and adaptation parts, where information is directly helpful to our own ability to steer the course of events-- by voting. Visit, learn! #climatescience #climatechange #climateresearch

    • Screenshot of the Skeptical Science New Research for Week #33 2024 showing the first of several open access notables.
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    Our latest fact brief published in collaboration with Gigafact answers the question "Does CO2 correlate with global temperature long-term?" with "YES - While natural variations cause short-term ups and downs to the weather, CO2 and global temperatures move together long term. [...]" Follow the link to read the full - but short! - fact brief and its references! Link to the full rebuttal the fact brief is related to: Note: For content shared from our homepage the best place for discussions is the original article and not the thread on LinkedIn. This especially applies when it comes to climate science related posts because most of our team members who are writing content for our website are not active on LinkedIn. Comments are therefore closed. For more details, please see our comments policy at

    • Screenshot of fact brief answering the question "Does CO2 correlate with global temperature long-term?" with "YES - While natural variations cause short-term ups and downs to the weather, CO2 and global temperatures move together long term."
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    Here's our weekly trawl of academic research investigating how we've yanked Earth's climate off course, and how we're going to get back on track-- if enough people pay attention to details. As well, an offering of select government and NGO reports touching on these matters. 134 articles from 60 journals this week plus 8 gov/NGO items, all available from one convenient launching point. ''Can we understand any of this work?'' Yes, we can! Especially in climate mitigation (the cutting edge of our salvation) there's much that can be learned, information to employed in civic duties such as --voting--. Highlights: * Climate Unscripted. The Reality of Climate Change and Sustainability Solutions in Unscripted TV * Absence of causality between seismic activity and global warming Go forth and learn! #climatescience #climateresearch

    • Screenshot of the Skeptical Science New Research for Week #32 2024
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    Our latest fact brief published in collaboration with Gigafact answers the question "Are carbon dioxide emissions from human activities enough to affect the climate?" with "YES - Neither land nor oceans have been able to adequately absorb the extra CO2 released by our fossil fuel burning, causing atmospheric CO2 to rise and affect our climate. [...]" Follow the link to read the full - but short! - fact brief and its references! Link to the full rebuttal the fact brief is related to: Note: For content shared from our homepage the best place for discussions is the original article and not the thread on LinkedIn. Comments are therefore closed. For more details, please see our comments policy at

    • Screenshot of our latest fact brief published in collaboration with Gigafact answering the question "Are carbon dioxide emissions from human activities enough to affect the climate?" with "YES - Neither land nor oceans have been able to adequately absorb the extra CO2 released by our fossil fuel burning, causing atmospheric CO2 to rise and affect our climate. [...]"

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