Good days...
Hot. Then Cold. Sunny, 75° and equipment to deliver, then Blizzards, wind and cold 24 hrs later. Rental traffic like the weather. Glad to provide USD430 with aerial power this week! #whatsyourproject
External link for Star Rental LLC
1167 250th St
Hiawatha, Kansas 66434, US
Good days...
Hot. Then Cold. Sunny, 75° and equipment to deliver, then Blizzards, wind and cold 24 hrs later. Rental traffic like the weather. Glad to provide USD430 with aerial power this week! #whatsyourproject
Now fronting from a Real Location! 1000 Oregon Street in Hiawatha is now Star Rental, equipment and event rentals, small service, and your community partner. #whatsyourproject
Video testimonial! #starrentalhiawatha
New tool (toy) here at Star Rental this week! Seppi flail mulcher for Skid steer.
This little attachment will amaze you! Seppi 175 flail mulcher. Eats: brush, weeds, and grass. Care and feeding? just drive #rentlocal #starrentalhiawatha
August 1, 2024. July was a good month, thanks to our customers. Their success is ours.
Fuel and Maintenance at Sundown. Get this Bobcat #readytorent, then another day done.
Lift equipment. When you need it, you need it. Our aerial fleet has been busy. Got to supply equipment to contractors at McDonald's, Walmart, USD415, FAA, and many local contractors over the last month! #whatsyourproject
Star Rental LLC reposted this
Fun in the sandbox for the Star Rental Miniskid