1096 days. 647,377 man hours. 0 recordable incidents. We are proud of our entire team for this accomplishment. Our culture has shifted under the leadership of Cameron Jones, CHST, CSST and our field construction staff. Their buy-in and commitment has driven our successes, and we look forward to many more years of working safely on our jobsites! #GeneralContractor #Safety #CoreValue #SELFPERFORM #Construction
As I reflect on my career, there have been many positive moments in my life that I can count as a great achievement. Today is one of those days! Today is officially 3 years recordable free at T Diamond Bar! I cannot take the glory for this amazing accomplishment, I get to share that with all the T Diamond Bar employees who are taking on the Diamond standard and adopting our safety culture. Together we are building a stronger and safer tomorrow. Thank you to all past and current employees for your commitment to our success and wellbeing. I have to thank Blake Swaggart and Garry Claflin for the amazing opportunity to be the director of safety and their unwavering support in our program. Also I have to personally thank Elston, Casey, Aaron, Joel, Trevor, Carlos, Jordan, Michael, Danny, Nadia, Chad, Chasity, Lisa, Paige, Jessica, Christina, and Mat for putting up with my ideas, thoughts, directives, and trainings. Let us continue to work together to maintain a safe and incident-free workplace for all.