Non-profit Organization Management

Narberth, Pennsylvania 484 followers

501 (c)(3) Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the life, legacy and scientific innovations of Nikola Tesla

About us

TESLA SCIENCE FOUNDATION is a company based out of 957 W KING RD, MALVERN, Pennsylvania, United States.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
11-50 employees
Narberth, Pennsylvania
tesla, education, nikola tesla, science, technology, engineering, networking, art, digital art, non profit, conferences, nikola tesla club, tesla ways, teslas people, tesla talk tv, production, children , schools, students, high schools, and university




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    Time to take action and sign a petition for the Tesla - Westinghouse monument in Chicago! A genius inventor #Tesla and #Westinghouse, an inventor and founder of Westinghouse Electric Company, made history in #Chicago in 1893. They did nothing short of magic! Except, it was real! They introduced an alternating current system of electricity and used it to illuminate over two hundred thousand electric lightbulbs at the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition. Yet, Chicago never properly honored them for such a fascinating achievement. That's why the Tesla Science Foundation and Tesla People took the initiative to erect the monument in front of the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago! Pretty amazing, right? Except to do so, we need a little help from everyone who respects those two geniuses. All you need to do is sign the petition, which will help us get 50,000 signatures to get the project approved by the local community. ➡ Please click the link below, sign, and share with your network. Tesla Science Foundation will take care of the rest! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ https://lnkd.in/eiinXKJS #NikolaTesla I

    • A monument of Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse. Nikola Tesla sits with an open book in his lap. Westinghouse stands holding his hand on the golden Tesla's egg.
  • View profile for Nikola Lonchar, graphic

    Tesla Science Foundation President / Founder

    Peticija za spomenik Nikoli Tesli i Džordžu Vestinghausu u Čikagu Naslov: Podržite podizanje spomenika Nikoli Tesli i Džordžu Vestinghausu u ČikaguTekst peticije: Pozivamo vas da podržite inicijativu za podizanje spomenika velikom naučniku Nikoli Tesli i njegovom partneru Džordžu Vestinghausu u Čikagu, gradu koji je imao ključnu ulogu u njihovim dostignućima. Tesla je na Svetskoj izložbi u Čikagu 1893. godine demonstrirao svoju genijalnost, a Vestinghaus je bio njegov verni saradnik u sprovođenju revolucionarnih tehnoloških rešenja.Spomenik bi bio postavljen ispred Muzeja nauke i industrije, na mestu koje simbolizuje drugi industrijski bum i značaj Teslinih izuma za čovečanstvo. Verujemo da bi ovo bio važan simbol ne samo za naš narod, već i za sve ljude koji cene napredak, nauku i inovaciju.Podržite ovaj projekat i pomozite nam da sačuvamo sećanje na Teslu i Vestinghausa, čija dela nastavljaju da oblikuju našu sadašnjost i budućnost.Potpišite i podelite ovu peticiju sa svojim prijateljima, porodicom i širom zajednicom. Potrebno je da skupimo 50.000 potpisa kako bismo ovaj projekat ostvarili.Link do peticije: https://chng.it/7dpmVLHqbT Prateće pismo: Dragi prijatelji,Pozivam vas da podržite važnu inicijativu za podizanje spomenika Nikoli Tesli i Džordžu Vestinghausu u Čikagu. Njihov doprinos čovečanstvu, a posebno Teslina genijalnost, zaslužuju da budu trajno obeleženi na ovom značajnom mestu.Molim vas da potpišete peticiju i podelite je sa svojim prijateljima, porodicom i širom zajednicom. Naš cilj je da prikupimo 50.000 potpisa, što je veliki korak ka realizaciji ovog projekta. Vaša podrška je ključna, i zajedno možemo osigurati da se Teslino nasleđe prenosi kroz generacije.Puno vam hvala na pomoći!Srdačno, Nikola Lonchar President / Founder Tesla Science Foundation

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    Have you seen this petition yet?


  • Nikola Tesla is a man who shaped the modern world and did not ask for anything in return. As the son of an Orthodox priest, he often quoted his father, who said that all solutions are contained in the Bible. If there is a saint of the modern age who should be the saint of all the peoples of the world, then it is Nikola Tesla. Why Nikola Tesla Should Become a Saint: Spiritual and Moral Purity: Tesla was known for his spirituality and dedication to moral principles. Throughout his life, Tesla showed deep respect for both science and spirituality, believing that knowledge and faith are inseparable. Self-Sacrifice and Selflessness: Tesla never sought material wealth for his discoveries, even though he had opportunities to earn enormous amounts of money. His selflessness and dedication to the betterment of humanity are rare examples in modern history. An Innovator for the Benefit of Humanity: Tesla's inventions enabled the advancement of civilization, but he never allowed his discoveries to be used for evil or destruction. He worked on creating technologies that were intended to improve people's lives, not for profit or power. A Champion of Peace and Mutual Understanding: Tesla believed that science was a means to establish peace and understanding among nations. His work and philosophy promote ideas of global peace and unity, making him a symbol of universal values. Contest for Artists, Musicians, and Writers: We invite all artists, musicians, and writers to participate in a contest to create works that will inspire people to support the canonization of Nikola Tesla as the saint of all peoples of the world. The contest is open until December 31, 2024, and the best works will be exhibited at the NY Hotel during a conference dedicated to Nikola Tesla. The contest is also open for the July conference in Belgrade, and entries should be submitted by the end of May 2025. The best works will be awarded and exhibited in prestigious galleries, serving as a promotion for the idea "Nikola Tesla, the Saint of All Peoples of the World and a Champion for Peace


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    Freelance writer, creative, and innovator bringing fresh perspectives to the world.

    Today's press conference with the TESLA SCIENCE FOUNDATION shared inspirational insights and projects taken on by the foundation. The size and scale of their work is a testament to Nikola Tesla's legacy, which is gaining attention as technology progresses. Follow their progress online for insights and inspiration #innovation #scienceandtechnology #nikolatesla


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    Last week, we welcomed our new staff at Tacony Academy Charter High School with a dynamic event featuring catered food, drinks, and engaging interactions with animal ambassadors from our partners at the Wildlife Preserve. Our new team members also explored the innovative programs that make our school a leader in science education. Through our collaboration with The TESLA SCIENCE FOUNDATION and Wild Things Preserve, we're advancing our science curriculum to new heights, fully aligned with the Pennsylvania Department of Education Science Standards. Our mission is to create a transformative educational experience that fosters a deep connection between students and the natural world, highlighting the critical role of science in understanding our environment and the groundbreaking contributions of Tesla's inventions. Feeling #FOMO? We have staff positions available across all of our charter schools; join us: https://lnkd.in/eMrYmRz6

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  • Teslina naučna fondacija iz američkog grada Filadelfije i njena ćerka organizacija Teslina naučna fondacija Srbija organizuju, povodom jubileja dve decenije rada, manifestaciju „Dani Nikole Tesle 2024 – 20 godina očuvanja Teslinog nasleđa“ koja će se od 27. juna do 15. jula održavati na prostoru od Gračnice na Kosovu i Metohiji do Beograda i Novog Sada, a sve u čast Nikole Tesle, američkog naučnika srpskog porekla i jednog od najvećih naučnih umova modernog doba. Svi događaji se odvijaju pod pokroviteljstvom Uprave za saradnju sa dijasporom i Srbima u regionu Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije, a partneri u realizaciji pojedinih aktivnosti su Matica Srpska iz Novog Sada, kao i Zadužbina Ilije Kolarca i Udruženje novinara Srbije iz Beograda. Теслина научна фондација из америчког града Филаделфије и њена ћерка организација Теслина научна фондација Србија организују, поводом јубилеја две деценије рада, манифестацију „Дани Николе Тесле 2024 – 20 година очувања Теслиног наслеђа“ која ће се од 27. јуна до 15. јула одржавати на простору од Грачнице на Косову и Метохији до Београда и Новог Сада, а све у част Николе Тесле, америчког научника српског порекла и једног од највећих научних умова модерног доба. Сви догађаји се одвијају под покровитељством Управе за сарадњу са дијаспором и Србима у региону Министарства спољних послова Републике Србије, а партнери у реализацији појединих активности су Матица Српска из Новог Сада, као и Задужбина Илије Коларца и Удружење новинара Србије из Београда. #danitesle2024 #TSF20anniversary

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