Wow this is impressive!
Leverage technology to make a more informed decision! When it comes to purchasing new equipment, brochures just don't cut it. That's where Hodge Compressor's new Virtual Reality Showroom comes in! Experience a fully immersive virtual reality demonstration of a rotary screw air compressor, the first of its kind in the world. With the Virtual Showroom, you can: 1. Walk 360º around the Hodge Compressor 2. Scroll through the Full-Color Touchscreen controller to view its impressive capabilities 3. Listen to how quiet the Hodge Compressor runs 4. Remove panels to watch the compressor run 5. Turn the unit on/off 6. Click on each component to learn more 7. Look inside and see exactly what your new compressor will look like This is a true "Try it before you Buy it" experience. Say NO 🚫 to brochures and interact with your future compressor before making a purchase. Don't miss out on this innovative opportunity to make a more informed decision. #hodgecompressor #virtualreality #technology