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Software Development

The analytics backend for your app. Ship software with big data requirements, faster.

About us

The analytics backend for your app. Ship software with big data requirements faster and more intuitively than you ever thought possible.

Software Development
Company size
51-200 employees
New York
Privately Held
Clickhouse, Data analytics, Visualization, Real-time Analytics, Data APIs, and Data Products



Employees at Tinybird


  • `tb dev` is the instant feedback loop for building your analytics backend. It's like `next dev`, but for data. Change your queries or change your data, and TInybird hot reloads your build in milliseconds. Big Data has a big problem. They think everything should be slow. We think everything should be fast. Your queries AND your development. `tb dev` let's you build fast software with big data requirements, faster. Link to the blog post in the comments.

  • This is insane. Copy the URL of any dashboard image, and Tinybird creates the analytics backend APIs in 1 shot. It even writes a README to tell you what it built???? 🤯🤯🤯

  • How to build a first version of your analytics backend in a few minutes: Use tb create. tb create is how you get 80% of the way to a production-ready analytics API in about 1% of the time it would otherwise take. This is what we like to call "vibe data engineering," and while it might seem gimmicky, it's actually built on solid data engineering best practices.

  • 5 🤯 things you can do with Tinybird Local... 1️⃣ Run a local Tinybird dev server You can run a local dev server on Tinybird Local. The server watches for changes to your files and automatically rebuilds your API, locally. 2️⃣ Run end-to-end API tests (and just swap envvars to deploy) Test your data project alongside your app. Just set environment variables for localhost and your local testing token. Deploying your app and APIs to the cloud is as simple as swapping your envvars. 3️⃣ Ingest with the local Events API Want to test sending data from your app to Tinybird? Use the local Events API. Open your app in localhost, test it out, and watch events stream into your local Tinybird deployment. 4️⃣ Connect to a local (or cloud) Kafka server Using Kafka for ingestion? You can easily connect Tinybird Local to a local or cloud Kafka server for testing. 5️⃣ Generate a million rows of production-like mock data When you use tb mock to generate data, it uses the underlying database engine to create the data you request. It even saves the SQL file used to generate the data in case you want to modify it yourself. -- Tinybird Local isn't just a database client, it's a complete Tinybird on your machine, which means deploying to Tinybird Cloud is basically automatic. Give it a try 👇

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  • Don't lie. You've run a production service on your laptop before. We dig that vibe, which is why we built Tinybird Local. (Well, not really. We built it because a customer wanted to validate their builds in CI without a cloud dependency, and because it's just better to build local. Still, if you wanted to run it on your machine, we're not stopping you. Seriously, do it. Why not??) Learn more about why and how we built Tinybird Local in our latest engineering blog post -> tbrd.co/tb-local

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US$ 30.0M

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