We Write Books

We Write Books

Book Publishing

Lubbock, Texas 30 followers

Your book can change a life.

About us

You have a God-given book inside of you meant to impact the world, change lives, and point people toward biblical truth, whether fiction or non-fiction. But it's stuck inside of you and you keep wrestling with all those ideas jumbled in your mind! You know it's meant for big things, but it's not serving anyone if it stays in your head. I'm Katelyn Silva, and I help Christian mompreneurs finally get clarity on their book idea, confidently write and publish a bestseller, and use it as a business tool for the impact, authority, and legacy it was meant to create. As a fellow mom of four little ones, I definitely understand the struggle yet I've been able to write and publish 11 books, 4 of them bestsellers in the last few years while I was working, attending classes, and raising my littles. I want to show you how to do the same so you can accomplish the calling God has placed on your life through your book. Join our free Facebook group for more details: facebook.com/groups/writersclubmembership And remember: your book can change a life! Review Katelyn's publications, including pen name works, at wewritebooks.com.

Book Publishing
Company size
1 employee
Lubbock, Texas
coaching, writing, publishing, book marketing, list-building, author platform establishment, overcoming writer's block, author career development, editing, formatting, cover design, comprehensive publishing strategies, christian, book funnels, authorpreneur, and kingdom builder


Employees at We Write Books


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