Join us at the #SELExchange hosted by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) in Chicago, IL next Tuesday to Thursday! We are excited to connect with educators, leaders, and advocates passionate about social-emotional learning. 📅 Tuesday, 11/12: We’ll be mingling with fellow attendees at the cocktail reception and kick-off dinner on Tuesday. Stick around for an engaging conversation featuring our executive director, Karen Niemi. 📅 Wednesday, 11/13: Dr. Jessica Hoffmann will co-lead a session on leveraging SEL assessments to provide actionable insights that advance academic success and educational equity with researchers from The Education Collaboratory at Yale. 📅 Thursday, 11/14: Our Director, Dr. Dr. Marc Brackett and Dr. Dawn Brooks DeCosta, Superintendent of the Harlem Community School District, explore how integrating SEL principles enhances academic achievement. 🏁 Visit our staff at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence on SEL Main Street at booth #307 to chat about helping educators and students achieve greater well-being through the power of emotional intelligence. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing valuable strategies to elevate SEL in our schools! #SocialEmotionalLearning #EducationEquity #EmotionalIntelligence #AcademicSuccess