Nicholas Daniel ’s path to become the CPO of Etsy was far from linear. In our conversation, he shares the valuable lessons of why practicing humility is not just important when building new products, but also when building your career. “[it’s] a way for me to take all of what I've learned working on a bigger portfolio, focus all of that on a smaller footprint of the product to make it even better than it was before. I don't get too hung up on titles or the box that needs to be ticked to get to the next level. We're here to build wonderful products”. Nick’s ability to reframe setbacks and “de-center” himself from the equation enabled him to forge ahead and focus on breaking new ground at Etsy with great innovation. On this week’s episode of my podcast Building One, Nick shares many great insights into his career and how they build at Etsy, including:  • How to establish a new & differentiated marketplace • The unique challenges & opportunities that come with competing with an e-commerce giant like Amazon • The limits of using single performance metrics • When to compete with (and when to ignore) industry norms • And what does “special takes time” mean… Listen and follow for more insights: 🎧 Apple: 🎧 Spotify:
Tomer Cohen
Chief Product Officer at LinkedIn