SEO Evangelist from 1999 | Director at Assertive (Global SEO) | SEO Audits IO - Hyper-specialised auditing | SEO Stack (Search Console Replacement) | SEO Webinars & Training for International Organisations
SEO hack - leverage AI as if it were a Google human quality rater. Use this script to have an E-E-A-T / YMYL audit of your content. Go to Google Sheets, Select EXTENSIONS > Apps Script and follow below - see comments below for where to get your API key for openAI. GOOGLE APPS SCRIPT HERE > const SECRET_KEY = "PUT-YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"; const MAX_TOKENS = 1000 const GPT_MODEL = "text-davinci-003" function generateOpenAIRequest(prompt, temperature = 0.7, model = GPT_MODEL) { const url = "https://api[.]openai[.]com/v1/completions"; const payload = { model: model, prompt: prompt, temperature: temperature, max_tokens: MAX_TOKENS, }; const options = { contentType: "application/json", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + SECRET_KEY }, payload: JSON.stringify(payload), }; const res = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options).getContentText()); return res.choices[0].text.trim(); } TO use it - do the following: 1. Open a new Google sheet, select EXTENSIONS > APP SCRIPTS - copy and paste the script above in and save it. 2. Get a free API key for chatGPT and replace PUT-YOUR-API-KEY-HERE in the script, from the script - remove brackets around the api[.]openai[.]com part of the script 3. Save 4. In Cell A1 paste the following text: - PLEASE NOTE you need to remove the brackets from the URL (linkedin URL shortening) I would like you to audit content for me based on a URL I specify below. I would like you to audit content as if you were a Google Quality Rater following the rules set out by Google (which you can see here https://developers[.]google.[]com/search/blog/2022/12/google-raters-guidelines-e-e-a-t) in respect of E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authority and trust) - I would also like you to consider YMYL (your money your life where applicable) and Google medic factors also depending on the content type and nature. I would like you to provide a content quality rating based on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is best and 0 is worst. You should take into consideration - how well the content is written, how well it aligns with Google's E-E-A-T guidelines for human quality raters, how well structured the content is, if it makes it clear what is on offer, is it gramatically correct and well written and does it fit the end users intent when comparing the main H1 tag to the body of the content. You should provide clear, actionable recommendations for any areas where the content has an issue as well as guidance to bolster expertise and trust where applicable. You should not self reference and should avoid making any assumptions, the content for you to audit can be found here: 5. In Cell B1 put your URL to audit 6. In Cell C1 put =CONCATENATE(A1,B1) 7. In Cell A3 call the function =generateOpenAIRequest(C1) Enjoy #seo #seohacks #seo2023
Wait. Does it actually download the data from Google guidelines and your specified url and then makes an evaluation? Or how do you feed the info about the page to it? Because if you are using openai, it doesn't connect anywhere except its own database which has the latest data from 2021. So unless you feed the data into it first, it will not evaluate anything from your page. You can very easily test that by giving it a command to evaluate your h2 headings for a set of urls. It will not know.
This isn’t pulling the content in that URL so is just going to make up the content audit, could make use of a helper column that imports the content on the page, which you can then use the API call to audit. Right now, it’s just making up the response!
Interesting. Does it seem to judge the quality well in your opinion? I’ll have to try it out; sometimes my judgement for quality isn’t as accurate as I think
No dice here. It just started returning text about how it wants logins for every account on the web 🤣
That's a great idea and publishers might want to know about this one.
Can I share it with my network?
Oh now this, this is cool.
Daniel Foley Carter, nice try, but for anyone who actually understands the code and how OpenAI works, this is total trash. First, it cannot read your website. Dohhh. Second, even if it has some "knowledge" of the Google Guidelines from the data it was trained, it cannot apply it to "nothing". Because you're not feeding it any data through the URL. The only way your script would actually spit some curious (at best) results, would be if you feed him the whole content of the page. With the launch of ChatGTP 4, you can actually paste a screenshot of the page and let it analyze the image. But with Davinci Model it's not possible. This is just another viral post. I'm amazed how many people actually have no clue about how the tech works and use this to push it to clients. Just looking over the Job Titles of the people who Liked and Commented, I'm guessing 90% of all "experts" and agencies are located in a bar in Bali. CC : Vojtech Fiala
SEO Evangelist from 1999 | Director at Assertive (Global SEO) | SEO Audits IO - Hyper-specialised auditing | SEO Stack (Search Console Replacement) | SEO Webinars & Training for International Organisations
1yGet your API key above -