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Lulamile Mbetshu

Lecturer at WSU - Walter Sisulu University


Extremely dangerous indeed! How things are done in the organisation commonly known as organisational culture is not and cannot be static but dynamic. Any organisation has to adapt and adjust to a continuously changing business environment, failing which, the organisation will eventually face its demise sometimes known as entropy. This means the business will be driven out of the market. Adapting and adjusting to change necessitates the continuous scanning of the environment. This environmental diagnosis enables the organisation to be abreast about developments in the external environment in the form of opportunies and threats. This is known as competitive intelligence. Also, the internal environment has to be examined as well to establish strengths and weakness of the organisation. This is known as business intelligence. Resources and capabilities will then be leveraged to take advantage of opportunies and to repel threats. The purpose being to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. This lead to changes in goals leading to changes to the organisational culture. Therefore status quo cannot remain in so far as how things are done due to the sense of urgency ( discomfort with the status quo). Change becomes inevitable!

There was a man stuck on a tree and was asking for help. Some of his friends went to the imam of the village to ask for his help. The imam said "find a rope". The guys found a rope and brought it to him. Then the imam said "throw the rope to the man on the tree". They did so, and the man caught the rope. Afterwards the imam said to the man on the tree "now tighten the rope around the waist". And finally the imam said to the guys "now pull him as hard as you can". In ignorant obedience they followed his instructions and the poor man fell on the ground - DEAD! They turned to the imam screaming "why did you tell us to do this?! Look! He's dead!" The imam replied "I'm not sure why he died. I have always done it this way when someone fell in a well".

Alena Labudova

HR @ Cablex / Working mom


Totally agree 👍🏻

Kia Shin Ng

Assistant Manager of ALCM


When I first joined the company, I took over a role that was being vacated. Although I couldn't imagine doing such repetitive and boring work in my first job with ambitious career goals, I always challenged the existing processes and procedures and provided feedback to make the work easier. However, I encountered difficulties in trying to effect change, as some people had been doing things the same way for almost 20 years and were resistant to change. I guess peoples are in their comfort zone. However, it's important for individuals and companies to be open to change in order to grow and improve.

Jolanta Moskwa

Service Delivery Manager


So True

Parag Nag

Business Leader - India @ Magnetic Analysis Corporation | Technical Sales, Industrial Sales


Even more dangerous is a young MBA with little practical experience and the word CHANGE on his lips. He has little idea of the difference between horses and donkeys, but has been chosen to head the stable. Change for the sake of showing change is far more dangerous than maintaining the status quo. Change needs to be based on data and logic ... not on the dim witted notions of leaders of low mettle.

Benoit Maghoma

Senior Business Analyst / IT Business Applications at Saint-Gobain


Kind of disagree. I would say It depends... the phrase isn't the most dangerous. It all depends on the circumstances. It's linked to risk taker vs risk adverse types of behavior. For example, would you want your pilot to start trying things in the middle of the flight for absolutely no reason? I think in this case, it's better to do things the same way as usual. There is value in keeping traditions that are known to be successful. Sometimes better the devil you know than the one you don't know.


HR Consultant/Private Legal Practitioner/Notary Public (Providing innovative HR solutions & Legal Services to your doorstep)


This is a cogent point made and an admonition to people in our places of work, societies, communities and businesses. Ponder over the on -going dynamics of the world in the field of societal norms and values, technology, politics et cetera constantly changing day in and day out. Nothing is now considered sacrosanct. Changes are liken to the wind blowing, like the movement of a watch or a pendulum. We have moved from the phrase ‘socialisation into inertia’- we’ve always done it this way’ Appreciate changes and move along to address the dynamics of our time and avoid procrastination to make life better and adorable.

patrick plützer

My profile is the fusion skillfully orchestrated between my different professional experiences and my philosophical approach to life, one being inseparable from the other ✨ but I’m not my profile …


We have always done this way and ... It's tragic what the world has become. It unfortunately reflects what the human being is today. It's all pretense, pettiness, power games, toxic alliances, complaints, victimizations, hypocrisy, escape, individualism, in fact everything except the joy of living and self-love. Many are ready to do anything to get a place in the spotlight by selling their soul to the devil while taking no risk, except that of dampening the atmosphere, demotivating the whole and endangering humanity. Few are those who are passionate about what they do and unfortunately they are quickly disappointed and depressed or even resigned to so much negativity. It is catastrophic and miserable! Nothing seems to change, on the contrary, we all seem imprisoned in this despair! The human being seems to plunge into darkness without wanting to raise his head and without wanting to assume this reality. No one is ready to act and find the path to freedom! Nobody wants to face! Everyone prefers to wait for change to come from outside when it never will! On the contrary, the longer we wait, the more what we are fleeing from grows out of control! We deny the obvious! The human being today is unhappy and suffers from his idleness, his nonchalance and his inaction. We mindlessly watch the beauty of life dissipate and be replaced by darkness as we know it by living it every day. Yet we have everything to avoid the worst and we do nothing! What do we do with all that love that was originally given to us unconditionally? It will be too late at some point to change destiny and we are not far from that moment. Observe the moment we are in, here and now! Can't you see that it is busy degrading and that the energy that animates it is increasingly unhealthy and negative, despite the illusion of security that we have. Beware to this infinite loop that traps you in the illusion! Everything can change at any time and know that nothing belongs to us. It's a lure to believe you're in your comfort zone and it's really time to integrate it! We already know this and yet we remain frozen as if under the effect of powerful sedatives! It is miserable and it is the reality that we live even if it is an illusion that we have invented from scratch! Life as it is is quite another thing, life is not darkness but light. You are the light, so grow the flame that drives you through its eternal energy and light up the darkness to push it back! It is the abundance, the beauty and the freedom that we can discover beyond this darkness that is busy driving us into the dark night! 🔥 No one will do it for you, it is the responsibility of each of us

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