From the course: A Manager's Guide to Inclusive Teams

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Your role as a manager

Your role as a manager

- They say people don't leave jobs, they leave managers. And when it comes to making people feel included, managers play a critical role. The days of a manager just being the person who approves your vacation days or scolds you when you're 15 minutes late for work are over. More and more workplaces from across all industries are recognizing the importance that creating an inclusive culture has on getting the highest output from their employees. Turnover is expensive and feeling unmotivated is costly. It took a while, but people are finally realizing that happier employees do better work. And don't just take it from me, take it from the wide range of books and studies on the importance of building an inclusive team culture on having an effective team. Some of my favorites are Simon Sinek's "Leaders Eat Last" and Google's infamous study of the factors behind high-performing teams published in The New York Times magazine in…
