From the course: Accounting Foundations: Bookkeeping
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Selling inventory and providing services
From the course: Accounting Foundations: Bookkeeping
Selling inventory and providing services
- Okay, now one of your customers asks if you'll plant some shrubs in her backyard. She's thrilled that you have just the shrubs that she wants, thereby saving her a trip to the greenhouse. You use one half of your inventory of shrubs in this customer's yard and it takes you three hours to complete the job. She pays you in cash. In this instance we are dealing with two different types of revenue, profit from the sale of the shrubs and revenue from your labors. Let's deal with each type of revenue separately. First, the sale of the shrubs. Sales, whether made on account or for cash, require entries that reflect not only the sale, but also the cost of the inventory that's sold. The cost of goods sold is an expense and as such, is offset with the sales revenue to determine to the profitability of the sales transactions. While accounting for inventory can get quite complicated. For our purposes, we're just trying to illustrate the effects of these transactions on the accounting equation…
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Everything is recorded with debits and credits3m 10s
How do we record the effect of a transaction?1m 34s
Obtaining financing and buying equipment3m 38s
Buying supplies and inventory3m 16s
Providing services2m 48s
Selling inventory and providing services3m 42s
Incurring additional expenses2m 35s
Paying interest and dividends2m 50s
A note on journal entries2m 58s