From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

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Sustainable leadership

Sustainable leadership

- Welcome to ITProTV I'm your host Don- (all speaking) - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. - Hello everyone, welcome back to another exciting edition of ITProTV. I'm your host Vonne Smith, and this is our Various and Professional series. And this episode we're going to talk about sustainable leadership. Cause I messed that up quite a few times before we started so here's miss Jo Peacock. - Well, we could just call it digital leadership part five. - Yeah instead of saying. - Sustainable leadership. - I had stop of to think about that word. - It means the same thing, right? It's still digital leadership part five, but I just thought I wanted to try and give it a little bit more of a meaningful title, but I wish I hadn't now, I didn't realize you were going to struggle so much. How are you Vonne? - I'm good now that I got the words out of my mouth. - Well, as I've already said, we are in a part five. This is…
