From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Appearance and graphic styles

Appearance and graphic styles

- [Instructor] Once you've set up custom transformations and have compiled multiple effects on a given vector object using the appearance palette, you'll want to save those customizations as a graphic style so you can easily and quickly apply them to other vector objects when needed. In this movie, we're going to create a custom graphic style and apply it to another object to ensure aesthetic continuity and ease of access. So let's dive into it. Now, before we jump into the graphic style, I want to cover isolation mode. You've seen me use this in other movies in this course, and I want to explain why I use it. Now, I work with a lot of agencies. They send me assets that I have to work into the design or create a project I'm using or creating on their behalf. And many times when I open up a file, it might have typography like this. This is a logo design I did for the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center, just think like cowboy museum and the cattle drives from the turn of the century. But if…
