From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Applying multiple effects to one object

Applying multiple effects to one object - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

Applying multiple effects to one object

- [Instructor] We've used the appearance palette to apply multiple effects to various objects, whether we were creating dimensional type or transforming strokes. But in this movie I want to show you how you can create an authentic look and feel by layering numerous effects to a single vector stroke. Then we'll save that vector stroke as a graphic style and apply it to another object. This is a really fun one, so let's dive into it. We're going to start off with this simple stroke. If we go to the strokes palette, you can see it's just a one point stroke. We want to beef this up, so we'll increase this to 2.5. So we're not talking about a huge stroke here. This is still pretty small. We don't want to use a flat cap. We want to put a round cap. So on each end of the stroke it'll round off and then we want to select the rounded corner. Now, the reason why I'm selecting that has more to do with the usage I plan on using this graphic style when it's all said and done and it looks a lot…
