From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Blend tool warps

Blend tool warps

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm going to show you how to blend vector objects and warp them with other vector objects to create engaging graphics. Now this is going to be fun, so let's jump right into it. We're first, going to start with our star shape over here and I just want to use Direct Selection tool to select the anchors We only want the anchors on the points of the stars so I'll deselect the inner ones, and here I'm going to go ahead and round this quite a bit. I basically want to remove all of the corners from the shape, so something like that. I'll select the inner anchors on the star shape. I don't want any corners, and I'm just going to go ahead and round this one right about there or so so I get a shape something like that. Then I'm going to go to this stroke. It's a one-point stroke. We'll go ahead and clone this and when I say clone, it just means Command + C, Command + F. And when you run those two commands on it, it will copy that object, and I'm going to drag it…
