From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Changing your default font

Changing your default font

- [Educator] For years, every time I went to use Type in Adobe Illustrator, it would default to Myriad Pro. Did I ever actually use Myriad Pro ever? No. But I also never knew you could change the default font either. That is until someone showed me, and now I want to show you. So let's dive right into it. We're on the desktop, on the machine I'm working on, I'm working on a Macintosh and I'm at LinkedIn Learning recording this, so this isn't my own machine. It will be equivalent to PC, even though I'm not specifically showing that in the exercise files. I do have information on where you would place the new document profile on a PC. But on a Mac, you would select the hard drive and then you go to users. This is where your name would probably show up, but in this case, it'll be LinkedIn. And then as you go from LinkedIn, this is where you want to select Library. Now if Library's not showing up like this, go up to the Go menu on a Mac, click on it, and you can see Library isn't showing…
