From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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- In this course, I've covered a lot of tools and functionality and effects to achieve some pretty cool results. I know this can be overwhelming to try and remember all the various methods I've covered. So in closing, I want to share one of my all time favorite quotes with you. It comes from Albert Einstein who said play is the highest form of research. In order to make learning these new methods sustainable, I encourage you to focus on two or three from this course that caught your eye and start there. Play with them, experiment, and have fun with it. Once you've learned it, pick a few more and do the same. Thank you for watching Adobe Illustrator tips and tricks. I hope it opens up new creative horizons in your personal work and you enjoy using them within your own creative process. If you enjoyed this course, please leave a review. I'd appreciate that a lot. To see other courses I've created on LinkedIn Learning, visit Until next time, never stop drawing.
