From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
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Custom scripts - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
Custom scripts
- [Instructor] Adobe Illustrator out of the box provides a wide assortment of tools and functionality one can use to produce vector artwork and design. But sometimes it doesn't provide a way to do certain things you might like to do. And that is where custom scripts for Illustrator come into play to improve and simplify your workflow. So let me demonstrate them for you. The first one up is a custom QR code. You don't have to subscribe to a QR service, you don't have to go to a website and do it. You can do it all in Adobe Illustrator. So that will be the first one I want to demonstrate. We'll go up to file "Scripts," it's found under "File". We'll go over and notice we have QR code, but notice above it, it says "Includes". So when you install these, there's a folder called "Includes" and that contains QR code information to pull this off and it's needed. So make sure when you grab these from the exercise file, you put both of these into the location and that is also provided install…
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