From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Customize and warp letterforms

Customize and warp letterforms

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to customize our typography using the pencil tool, the warp tool, and the crystallized tool to reshape our letter forms. So let me show you how each of these methods work. Now, before I jump into this, I just want to say, the first one I'm going to show you is utilizing the pencil tool. And let's take a look at their settings first. So we'll open it up. You want to make sure it's on smooth, you want to make sure you have Keep Selected checked. You want to make sure you have Closed paths when ins are within. However tolerance you want to put here. This will depend on how large it is on your art board, but I'm using 20 pixels. And you also want to have Edit selected paths checked and match what you have in the one above it. So with that, we're going to click Okay. Now, the methodology here I would like to say is at best, a little hinky and you have to try it. And if you don't like it, Command + Z and try it again. So it's better just to…
