From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Editable dimensional type

Editable dimensional type

- [Instructor] Typography doesn't have to be merely flat colors. In this movie, we'll create dimensional typography using transform effects and compose them with the appearance palette. So let's jump into it and get started. The first thing we need to do is we need to go ahead and type out a name. So I'm going to type out a name here and we will type out Kosmos like that. That's good. Let's go ahead and select this typography. And this is where the appearance panel's going to come in. So I'm going to grab the appearance panel and drag it out here because this is where we'll apply our transform effects to it. Now in terms of the type itself we have selected, we want to change the color. So I'm going to change that color and we're going to change it to a blue like that. And now with that, we're going to go up to the option menu in the appearance palette, and we're going to select add a new fill. So it's just going to replicate what we just selected down here. And on this one we want…
