From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Freeform halftones

Freeform halftones

- [Instructor] In this movie, I want to demonstrate how to combine the Freeform Gradient Tool and the Color Halftone functionality to create a compelling design. We'll also take a look at the limitations of Freeform Gradients so you can create without frustration. So let's jump right into it. So I have this logo type design, and I'm creating kind of a flyer promotional image about a punk rock kind of legacy tour of a bunch of bands. And this is the logo type I created. Now if I select this, you can see by looking at the Appearance panel that it is definitely a compound path. That means everything in the middle of these letter form shapes of R-O-C-K, which is punk, shows through to the background. So if I were to create a shape like this, and I'll just color it this blue color, copy it, and we'll paste it behind, you can see all those are see-through. So I just wanted to make that clear. Now when it comes to the Freeform Gradient, and in the Gradients palette, you have linear…
