From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
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Gradient Mesh and Envelope Distort - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
Gradient Mesh and Envelope Distort
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at using gradient mesh and envelope distort features to make our vector object wrap onto another vector object to simulate a 3D look and feel. Let me walk you through it. So here's a design I created quite a few years ago. I was thinking about the existing Oregon State seal and I thought it could be kind of improved and capture the whole idea of the Oregon Trail, which is a big part of Oregon history. And this is the design I came up with. Now Oregon is big with beavers, I think it's the state animal, but this is the design I came up with and I thought this would even look good on the Oregon State flag, which right now has the seal on it, but that seal doesn't look too hot. So that's what I want to do is I want to take this, work it into a state flag type of design, and then mock it up in vector format just to give somebody the idea of what it could look like in its final context. Now, there's features that Adobe has added to Illustrator that I'm not a…
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