From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Quick patterns and gradient masks

Quick patterns and gradient masks

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll quickly create object oriented patterns using effects and apply them to our design using gradient opacity mass. So let me walk you through it. First, we're going to start off by making two quick patterns and we're going to zoom in on this stroke and a simple elliptical shape actually zoomed in a little too far. Let's select this stroke. We're going to colorize it this dark blue in our palette here, but because we're using global colors denoted by the white triangle in the bottom right, we're going to click on the color palette. And I don't want this to be 100% of this value. I want it to be 80% value because it's going to work in context with our design. So we'll set it at 80% tint. That's great, that's going to work with that stroke selected. We'll go to the appearance panel, click on effects, click on distort and transform, go down to zigzag and select that. It'll bring up these settings. We don't want 10, we're going to set this for 3.5 points…
