From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Rounding controls

Rounding controls

- [Instructor] Vector arc creates hard edge shapes. This is why it's ideal for graphic design, whether you're creating a brand identity iconography or an illustration. But vector arc can easily look too sharp, and that's where rounding comes into the creative process. So in this movie, we're going to use the corner widget to produce the rounding details we want in our designs and how to control them. So you've probably used the rounding tool, but we're going to go ahead and cover it in this movie. So I'm going to select this first circular shape, and if I drex select all the anchors, you can immediately round all the anchors by just pulling one of the controls from the corner widget on any of the corners here, and it will affect the entire shape like that. You can isolate a corner by selecting an anchor. So let's say we select these two anchors and these are the only two. And that way, you can get a more unique shape for whatever your project is. If we direct select all of these…
