From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Shape cohesion

Shape cohesion

- [Interviewer] In this movie, I want to show you an unorthodox use of effects that, when applied to an object, will help you achieve a specific aesthetic that would be extremely difficult to build natively in Adobe Illustrator using traditional methods like the Pen tool or even Shape tools, so let's dive into it. So we have these elliptical shapes here, and we're going to go grab the Elliptical tool, and I'm just going to add one more here, so we'll just add that. And if you hold Option and Shift, you can do it from the center. If you just hold Shift, you can do it proportionately, and it'll draw it from the top-left down to the right, but I always use Option + Shift just to position it where I want. I think that's fine. We can move this one over, something like that. Now, what we're going to do now is a really unorthodox use of effects, and you'll see why as we walk through it. So let's go ahead and select all of our shapes here, and we're going to unite 'em with the Pathfinder…
