From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
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Smart remove anchor points - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
Smart remove anchor points
- [Instructor] The very process of creating vector art will mean you'll unwittingly add additional unneeded anchor points as you create your artwork or design. For years, this was a burdensome task, but now is relatively easy using Illustrator's Smart Remove feature. So let's take a look at how to Smart Remove anchor points from your artwork. So this is a nice symmetric sketch here of a hippo. It's a square format. And when I approach artwork like this, I love using strokes because strokes establishes a continuity of line in this artwork. So this is just a bunch of different strokes, whether it's the bridge of his, well, not nose, whatever that part of the hippo is called. The nostril, you know, his eyebrows, his ears, so on, so forth. So everything in magenta is a stroke. The blue shapes, those are just fills. So whenever I create like this, I'll select one of these, select everything that is the stroke. I'll go to Object, I'll go to Path, and we're going to outline these. And this…
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