From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Texturing typography

Texturing typography

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll demonstrate several methods for texturizing typography to give it a more unique and authentic look and feel. And we'll also use live type as a mask to compose our designs. So let's get started. We're going to start off with this type. And the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to fill it with nothing and then I'm going to select type layer in the appearance panel and we'll click on a fill color. And we want to establish our fill color as white. Now why is that? Well, everything we're going to do now moving forward so we can see what we're doing. If we kept it black, you wouldn't be able to. So we're going to do all of our effects and applying of effects to this typography through the appearance panel again. So that's one important thing. So with the fill color selected, we're going to go to effects. And the first one we're going to do is we're going to go to stylize and we're going to go to Inner Glow and click on that. And this window's going…
