From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
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Vector tool basics - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques
Vector tool basics
- [Instructor] When people think of creating vector art, the most prominent tool that comes to mind is the pin tool. And rightly so. In this movie, we'll focus on the basics, starting with two types of anchor points found in Adobe Illustrator. Then, we'll move to the pin tool that creates them. And then we'll cover the direct selection tool to move them and adjust their bezier handles. And then we'll focus on the anchor point tool to adjust form and shape of vector objects. So, let's take a look at each. Right here we have a square. And if I go to the direct selection tool here and I go ahead and drag select the whole shape, it will select all four of the anchor points. Now, if I go to just the regular selection tool, and I drag select, it'll do the same thing. It just selects the entire shape, but it won't select a specific anchor. Even if I just highlight or drag select over one anchor, it'll select the whole shape like this. So, if you want to focus in edit and create, you're going…
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