From the course: Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Techniques

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Visual type effects

Visual type effects

- [Instructor] In this movie, I want to show you three ways to approach type effects in Adobe Illustrator to create halftone detail in a beveled 3D style. This is going to be fun, so let's jump into it. We're going to start by working on this design, and I like the design, but I think the type for shine would look better with kind of a gradation in it, but I don't want it to be a smooth gradation that you would normally see in Illustrator. I want it to be a half tone gradation. So how would I do that? Well, we're going to select this type, which is white, and all we're going to do is we're going to apply a linear gradient to it. Then we'll go to the gradient tool in the toolbar, and I'm going to adjust this. So I might pull the black in a little bit, adjust the overall size and depth, kind of like that, rotate it. And then now I can associate it better with the type. I'll bring it up and then I'll pull this down like that, maybe a little more black. And then I'll adjust this so it…
