From the course: Adopting Agile: Strategies for Successful Implementation

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Buying into Agile leadership

Buying into Agile leadership

Agile has become a very large buzzword within the work that we do today. So although there are specific methodologies within Agile, a lot of people implement Agile just because it's what they hear they're supposed to be doing. So they change what they're doing only minimally, but mostly they change just the words that they're using within their organizations that then they can say, Well, now we're an agile organization, but all they really did was change the terminology that they were using before. The normal way that people do work nowadays is what we call waterfall methodology. So we say this is something that we want to complete or deliver. We're going to go work on it for the next six months, 12 months, however long it may be. And at the end of that time period, we're going to come back together and we're going to see what it was that you delivered. Now, the problem with that is that by the time you get to that end of that time period, it's possible that requirements have changed…
